Monday, December 05, 2005

In the beginning...

Ok. So I finally decided to cave in to pressure and begin a blog. Not so much because my life is interesting or my thoughts profound, or even the fact that the person who amuses me the most is me (Think Nirvana) but because those left behind in Australia wanna know what I'm actually doing here (In Japan) other than spawning semi-indigenous life forms and teaching English to the locals.
So I'm not really sure how this will turn out. Lots of "What I did today's" or maybe more "What I think about's" We'll see. Anyway, on with the show!
So Today was Sunday and I spent it in the house with Lisa (my 3 year old) while my wife trundled off to get a haircut. Recently I've been watching three TV shows, alternating between them. The Excellent House MD, CSI (the original) and MASH. MASH is a little scary because I grew up with it and although I haven't seen it for more than 10 years, I still remember every word before it comes out of Hawkeyes mouth. It's almost surreal.And although completely different it shows many similarities to House MD. Both have Doctors with hang-ups and both include the phrases 'subdural hematoma' and'Myocardial Infarction' despite being 30 years apart. What does this mean? I called Sarah (my sister) in an attempt to find out. She too has been watching House and although she hasn't been watching MASH, she was subjected to the same Pavlovian brainwashing that I was as a child and needs no mental prompting. Alas she could shed no new light on the subject except to note that House uses the term 'vasculitis' quite often along with 'pulmonary embolism' (excuse the heroic spelling) which do NOT appear in MASH , probably due to advances in medical technology in the last 30 years. She did mention however that House and CSI share the expressions 'anaphalactic shock' but that CSI also uses 'blunt force trauma' which House does not. I fear the only way to really get to the meat of the issue will be to type up a multiple choice quiz for those around me and see if their knowledge of inter-TV drama jargon is as complete as mine. Meanwhile Lisa, who I have conditioned to actually tolerate my MASH binges sits quietly coloring in pages I downloaded from the net in the livingroom. Although she prefers the animal pictues to the Tron (disney) ones I found. I guess you can't win'em all.
Dave out.


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