Me, after seeing the price of Hotspring packages
So we decided it is time to have a relaxing weekend in the coutry at a hot spring resort to unwind but, as is usual here in Japan, after seeing the prices my blood pressure went up and I ended up more stressed than ever. I could fly to Seoul for these prices!! I've never investigated vacation prices in Japan without being really shocked.
First stage DENIAL: It must be a mistake. They can't be that expensive!
Second stage ANGER: How dare they charge those outlandish prices!!
Third stage BARGAINING: Maybe if we brought PIN in a suitcase and didn't feed her it would be cheaper!
Fourth stage DEPRESSION: We're just never going to have a nice holiday :(
Fifth stage ACCEPTANCE: OK OK , I guess we can afford that. I'll just have to put in a few more hours a day at work for the next year.
And off we go....
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