Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Free Time

red and white men
I told you I likes LEDs, well here are a couple of things I've made with them. Red playdough hedz with blue LEDs and a clay head with same. And you thought I was without talent! I've made some other stuff too which I will post in later entries.
I had to do a class yesterday which was on pronunciation but it was abbreviated in the schedule to 'Pron' Much as I'd like to teach 'Pron' to the local girls I think the management would object. Especially the practical application classes.
I've gotta stop watching 'House' and using online symptom diagnosis. I have had mild chest pain recently and these things make me believe I've got a tumor, heart attack, angina, menengitis (despite being a brain disease) bowel obstruction, gallstones, kidney stones, rolling stones, various worms and parasites etc. My doctor says I stress too much. Mum thinks its the gallstones and Pin doesn't care, she just likes jumping up and down said tender areas.
Inson still isn't home yet, Lisa's sleeping and I'm all MASHed out for the night. Might be time to crank up the old mixer and do a bit of musak.
If your interested my music page is

assuming the link will be posted.
See ya later..If I don't have an infarction tonight while sleeping.


At 8:42 pm, Blogger Bajor1 said...

I say gallstones...
This'll sort ya out:


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