Wednesday, December 14, 2005

A couple of scraps of paper that I found in the depths of my wallet that have been there since highschool I guess. 18 years ago? Spish will kill me for this. The chick was just someone out of the paper I liked at the time and the other one is Bag's Uncle as the head that sprouts eyes and legs in the movie 'the thing'. I say bags uncle because he had a nightmare about it years ago. I couldn't let that one pass without some form of pisstake. Although Bag is the only person other than myself that was emotionally scarred by that movie. While everybody else I knew was talking about how scary Evil Dead was, or The Exorcist, I was cowering in corners waiting for the pet dog's head to peel open like a banana and try to absorb me.
Bag has begun a rival Bloge over at
with some interesting sketches done by yours truly, including the infamous 'Lamonde and the Deslock gun' A definate must see for any Gree aficionado's. I hear much of the Dunny graffiti collection will be on display in the coming weeks. For anyone who doesn't know this is stuff we wrote one the walls of the toilet whilst living at the Fear's (the worm) place. Of course it wasn't on the actual wall but on A4 paper stuck to the walls. There were at least 10 pages I guess and Bag the master archivist has restored and digitally reproduced these precious images for the world to see.
Future displays such as 'degrees of things' and 'Gree soup' are eagerly anticipated.


At 8:07 pm, Blogger Bajor1 said...

I can even make out the writing on the upside down head - 'You gotta be fucking kidding'

IMDB has lots of cool quotes from the movie, like this one -
'I know you gentlemen have been through a lot, but when you find the time, I'd rather not spend the rest of this winter TIED TO THIS FUCKING COUCH!'

I couldn't find a screen grab of that head but this one is disturbing enough - Bad head


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