Wednesday, February 08, 2006


Ok, can you name these games? Some are for Amiga and some are for C64. Some are easy, some aren't and not all were popular with everyone.If you can get these quickly I'll put up some more obscure ones.


At 1:08 am, Blogger Shirk said...

I recognise paperboy and moonstone with traditional 'sykes' pose

At 2:16 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I recognize paperboy as well (although a wild guess could get you that one) and Spy Hunter.

Sarah says Cauldron.

Maybe, All Star Football?

Using my enormous powers of First Language, I can tell you that the creature in the first picture says:

"Stop messing around, you monkey's reject."

At 8:57 am, Blogger Bajor1 said...

Kult (Cult?)
Bards Tale
Dunno - Moonstone?
Dunno - John Madden?

At 11:06 pm, Blogger Dave Gee said...

Bards Tale
Not Madden but we had this discussion last year and you remembered the name Bag, surprised you have forgotten.
(Putrid Grogan, Slip sliding shit, Amyl nitrates)
Not Ikari warriors but a game that always crashed seconds before loading had finished.

At 4:53 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah! Commando. bu bi bu bi bu bi bu du ba du ddddddddddddd.

At 8:57 pm, Blogger Dave Gee said...

Very good, and nice to see you use a name this time. No more anonymous.

At 11:39 am, Blogger Kebber said...

Fourth and Inches??

At 3:27 pm, Blogger Dave Gee said...

Good guess but that was an arcade game . This one is called ___ ____ football.

At 9:26 am, Blogger Bajor1 said...

Yes, TV Sports Football, I had to look that one up to remember the name.

At 10:30 am, Blogger Bajor1 said...

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