Thursday, January 19, 2006

Sickness is a sickness

The Pin is sick again as is Pin's mum. They are both sleeping after voshing. I still have my side pain, due to a combination of going back to gym and carrying child with one arm and shopping with other. Multitasking and muscle strain don't mix. I have decided to seriously stop gym for a while but gym is an addiction that is hard to quit. Sometimes you think you've quit and suddenly your doing bench press and realize you've fallen off the horse. I heard it's possible to buy foam rubber dumbells to help you quit. They act as a substitute until you're ready to stop altogether. I'm really waiting for the patches that give you a dose of gym without the terrible positive side effects of health. No more lyrca wedge to look at for a while.
A puzzling thought. Do you think Jamie Knight aerobics champion wore lycra wedge, legwarmers and a terry headband when he practiced? I know he liked curiously small shorts. Perpetual introspective! The Groove experience! Trip it out!
Still no snow!
The problem with me and my new webcam is that even after the novelty has worn out, I still have to make rude headz when I use it. Goes to show that I truly am easily amused. You could lock me in a room with a computer, internet connection, box of mars bars, crate of pepsi and 2 buckets for up to 6 days and I would be fine...until the buckets filled up.
Almost finished reading the Gap series by Stephen Donaldson. Very good series that's taken me a while to get to. Will move on to Baroque cycle #2 when finished and be just another of the many know-it-alls touting a vast knowledge of 18th century Europe. It's a common ailment after reading these. They involve an area of history little studied amoung my generation and extensively researched (to his credit) by Neal Stephenson and so cause an irresistable urge to proclaim 'Did you know that (insert interesting but little known historical anecdote)?' to one's friends. I will attempt to avoid such vulgar behaviour this time around.


At 12:50 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know, discounting the quiz entries, it is my belief that you mention that bloody side pain of yours in every single blog addition.

Since stopping "going to gym" (please note dry wretching at use of such annoying expression) seems to be such a problem, consideration of alternate excercises minimizing the impact in above mentionned area should be considered.

And please do not retort by saying "But you're not working out if you're not bench pressing". This way, you keep feeding your "addiction" while hightening the possibilities of giving us some better subject matter to read.

dentore aka Chris (for those who haven't converted to my religion yet)

At 1:27 am, Blogger Bajor1 said...

Thermo-pyle...that's all that comes to me when I think of the Gap series. I should get them all and read them again.

Mmmmmm Groove

Nice burn Chris on the gym thing.

At 11:53 am, Blogger Dave Gee said...

Obviously this blog needs a complete run down of my gym schedule do be viewed at leisure. Anonymous commentors should have more respect for their more advanced mentors dentore (s). I have it on good authority that 'Dave's side pain' is the 5th most googled item on the net so shuddup!

At 4:05 pm, Blogger Kebber said...

Go easy on 'im Davey, after all English is his second language.

At 11:52 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh Kebber, so passé. So... passé.

At 10:35 pm, Blogger Dave Gee said...

Only a frenchman could work out how to put that mark over the 'e' when typing in Windows.

At 4:36 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Touché, David, touché.


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