Monday, January 23, 2006

David Gee, Seeeuper genius

Today I took a Mensa test sent to me by Chris. (usually I would expect Dodd to send this kind of thing to me.) Now when someone sends me an IQ test link I am kind of wary because it means they have probably just done it and scored well and are waiting with baited breath for me to finish so they can compare their superior score. As it turns out this wasn't the case but I didn't know this at the time so with hesitation began the test.
The test is more communicative than spacial or mathematical which suits me fine. According to the explanation 19+ out of 33 is genius level, and only 2 Mensas (Certified genius IQ types) got all of them. I would have been happy with a comfortable 16 or so. After flying through I realized 19 was a shoe-in and continued. I got all the way to 32 correct thinking 'My god , I truly am a genius. I knew it was true. All my rudeness is, as I have suspected just the by-product of a mind ahead of it's time.' After struggling for another half hour I finally got the last question and proceeded with great zeal to inform family members of my intelligence was officially in the top 3 in the world! Dialing the number excitedly I then morphed into cool, laid-back, just passing unimportant information mode only to be informed by Spish that Nigel got all 33 correct while doing something else. He wasn't even paying any real attention to it. Obviously that put him above me but I wasn't concerned, more amazed. The second most intelligent person on the planet, through sheer coincidence, is friends with the most intelligent. What are the odds!! We need to get together and make stuff happen. Only problem is my sneaking suspicion that Nigel doesn't have a godlike IQ. He'd be pushing it for Minor deity intelligence really. And sadly I still leave the house with my clothes tag the front. I even managed to put brick patterned wallpaper up up-side down. The shadows were coming from a sun in the floor. So my conclusion...Mensa members are as intelligent as pocket lint, a substance of questionable cognitive acumen. The whole organization is designed to cunningly make us normal people feel special...and it worked on me.. for a while.
Oh well, back to the crosswords. Whats a 4 letter word for stench beginning with F?
One of my faves!

The most intelligent person on the planet, if only he can find his wallet....again!!


At 9:09 am, Blogger Kebber said...

Does it sometimes mature over 40,000 years?

At 3:12 pm, Blogger Dave Gee said...

You'll have to ask Vincent Price, he was the expert.

At 10:24 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am going to be honest (and embarrassed) and admit that I completly ploofed this test (did get the seconds, minutes, hours though).

But what can I say, english "is" my second language after all. Also, my mom did not make me go to religious nudy camps when I was a kid hence I couldn't get the religious ones.

Chris (which is spelt the same in french)

At 10:54 pm, Blogger Dave Gee said...

No,no, you did well, just not in comparison to the IQ titans around you ie. Nigel and me.

At 2:46 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I guess I really must post a comment on this one, Go-Boy. I dare say that flattery will get you everywhere, even if it's all vicious porky fibbery.

Gong for getting full points on this clearly legitimate and utterly genuine MENSA test (that had at least two grammar errors in it last night, but has since been corrected). It rather robbed me of kernel-time while I was trying to do some programming work last night. I do like the javascript back-end with the real-time text analysis gizmo... muchly cool.

As for the burning question of I.Q. and its application - it's quite clear from run-time experiences that my kernel was compiled rather slap-shod... Tweaked for massively-parallelized navel gazing, and pre-emptive conversational-tangent forking, yet sadly missing the Wallet-Tracker and Punctual-Arrival modules (among many others) in the initial build. In fact, my entire multi-tasking arbitrator seems to have gone for a slash some score years ago, and never came back. As a result, I am 'gifted' with a talent and taste for zoning into the blackest depths of meaningless crap, and living to tell the tale (at length and repeatedly). Or so I'm told...

Nice pic btw, a Precious Moment if I ever saw one - a visage of rugged handsomeness, skillfully blended with a motif of synaptic-seizure and squinty-eyed Hasselhoff bad-head. The voshtone green iridescence gives a nice flavour too. I'm honoured, dude.

My apologies to the non 'computer-geek' members of the blogosphere. I don't always write such nonsense.

- Nigel

At 3:28 pm, Blogger Dave Gee said...

You should construct a Wallet tracker Nigel. I think it would be a winner. Personally I would like to see a train pass tracker as thats the item most forgotten by me. However I think such things actually exist. Rumor has it they go by the term 'pockets' and can be quite useful in a crunch.

At 12:09 am, Blogger Dave Gee said...

I'm sorry but poopage will not be permitted. There are no excuses for job. If you think I actually increase my IQ teaching English to Japanese, you are painfully deluded as to what I do all day. If anything my verbiage has suffered at the hands my vocation. I'm sure you gleen more knowledge from banter with the ungulates.
As for Chris's faux par, (Is that how it's spelled?!) granted it was a dundoid thing to do but 'you wouldn't have gotten it until you can prove otherwise!' (to use an Adam idiom) And you still didn't get the last one anyway which I dragged from subliminal memory as I really hadn't come face to face with that expression either, it just felt right.
Anyway, do the second one which is harder. I'm down to two but they're driving me bonkers. I'm suspicious of them being 'common knowledge' as claimed. If I find out the remaining two are ungettable without direct knowledge I will find the owner of this web site and head butt him.


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