Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Valentines Day Haul

Well, this was the best Valentine's day yet in terms of chocolate acquired. I must be getting sexier in my old age, kind of like Sean Connery. Too bad I'm not really a chocolate phreak. I'm sure Pin and Inson will aid in consumption. Presumably Inson is aware of that and buys chocolate accordingly. As you may or may not know, in Pondenz guys receive choc on Valentines and exactly one month later , on White day (invented 30 years ago by Mitsukoshi Department store) must reciprocate in the order of 3 to 5 times value. Of course as most of my choc comes from students or Moms of kid students, as I am Sensei, it is not necessary for me to pay off this debt. Basically I work it off in class time. It's quite nice when 4 year olds hand you chocolate and in typical kiddy lack of subtlety fashion say this is from me, but really from mummy,and then to look up at the rather firm and fruity mum who's gone red in the face. It is then possible to consider that the mother has more motivation in bringing the child to class than just academic improvement.
My haul doesn't even include the local Nakano students who are customarily the most generous, because I haven't been there yet so the stash may grow considerably yet. It beats the high school days of being one of the losers who didn't get a card from a girl, or worse still going to a school without girls altogether. I truly was a late bloomer.
30 years late.


At 10:59 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know I told you this already, Gree, but I will tell the story again just so I can say I commented on 5 entries in a row, finally allowing me to paint your face on the side of my fuselage!

Like Dave, I am not a big chocolate eater. Kebber came back from H-K and gave me a multi-pack of sugar laden cereal as opposed to the traditional packs of chokey which I usually end up giving away. The very day after I shower him with praise for his initiative (no sarcasm here, was actually very happy), lo and behold, I receive this dreaded "giri chocolate".

And of course, just to drill it home, I didn't just get a polite little box of chocolate but 6 full size bars 17x8cm. They were stacked and wrapped and as heavy as a bar of gold... except less useful.

At 12:21 am, Blogger Dave Gee said...

And another package today. This one was Chocolate Liqueurs from the Cat Lady.

At 1:42 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was it purr-fect?

Did it make you "paws" in awe?

Did you "whisker" away to your love shrine for some heavy petting?

Did it make you fur-get your troubles?

Did she put on her little pink lipstick?

At 1:43 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

She gave you Chocolate Liqueurs, did you give her Chocolate Lick-his?

At 10:24 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Davy, Davy..Sensei Davy.....howKarate Kid...pity it is not a little more heroic than teaching poor unsuspecting people how to speak bad english and even worse spelling....must be the result of an impoverished upbringing....your still impoverished maternal parent...don't rot your teeth on all the chockies.

At 2:44 pm, Blogger Dave Gee said...

Ok there were a few spelling mistakes. I am a product of the spelling-checking-word processor generation. I fixed those so any others are deliberate.
My defense is that I was drinking when i wrote it and my keyboard skills are not complete. My twisted fingers miss the right keys.
Bag will however support your argument on this point. He has been slagging my spelling for years. I am however light-years ahead of Lamonde, case in point "Angle on my sholder"
And I can still hold 'Palimpset' over your head anyway mother.


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