Wednesday, March 08, 2006

The Priory of Zion

Recently I have begun keeping a few small lists of rudeness. One of those is the names of the different discount Logger paper that Inson buys. There was a debate for a while whether to buy the really thin type that lasts for ages but runs the risk of finger follow-through, or the super triple-ply which is finished after one good session if stools are not formed. Anyway, we went with super thin on the logic that you can always double or triple it up if you wish. But I disgress.
The point is, all these cheapo brands seem to have semi-random english labels. One was called Charles but the Japanese read sharuru, a poor effort even by their standards. Why would such a name be chosen. Do we have Tetsuo paper in Australia? I think not. Maybe when they wipe their arses they go, Fuh yoo English!! Sorry, that was uncalled for. Anyway, Japanese don't speak like that, only local Viets in Oz.
The latest borry parchment as pictured, is 'Prior'. Why? Is it a suggestion, as Kurt would tell us, that pre-wiping is a good habit to get into to remove netting that might ensnare the log on the way out? I would have imagined 'Post' would be a more appropriate name.
The previous brand was 'Naive'. It's for those who are of the over-optimistic belief that this low grade paper is going to be enough to deal with a heavy duty boz. You are sorely mistaken, as proclaimed on the label. Get out of La La land! Wake up and smell the ....well not the cheese anyway.
Well that's enough of my potty rant. If we get any new and amusing brands I'll be sure to post pictues of them for the edification of the western world.
Oh and WillyKaKaSarahStockZoeFinlayJonesKathrineandSamanthaAthenard
EmilyDuntVicMichan and thats all.


At 3:22 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have to say that I am a bit concerned about a sentence in your present article. Notable:

"we went with super thin on the logic that you can always double or triple it up if you wish."

Now, does this imply that your regular usage consist of a single one-layer square of paper? If so, that would go a long way in explaining any frequent happenings of "finger follow-through" that you are too embarassed to admit to.

At 3:25 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was meant to read "Notably".

And of course I checked: we are presently using CHARLES double layer.

At 3:40 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I use whatever Yuki provides for free...."Royalstar"
I feel like royality just looking at it!
Like someone famous said, all conversation eventually comes down to the topic of shit...Lets find other topics Dave!

At 3:46 pm, Blogger Dave Gee said...

Yes , as you can imagine when you double of triple the use of loo paper, you have to turn it over and look for unused patches, and then theres the problem of where to store it between uses. heh..poof.

At 4:19 pm, Blogger Bajor1 said...

Dave I believe you've gone 'native'. A growing obsession with things coming out of the body and toilets. When this blog becomes inundated with crappy flashing animated adverts I am outta here.

At 2:48 pm, Blogger Bajor1 said...

The curse of being popular strikes Dave yet again...

At 8:33 am, Blogger Shirk said...

This brand would have worked out well for my mate Scott,he had a habit of prior wiping or 'clearing the runway' as he put it due to the shaving of his arse he would do it to mop up the the pre-grunting sweat that the 'hair net' would usually soak up.Charming eh.


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