Saturday, March 25, 2006

The thing that should not be.

For anyone who has witnessed first hand the evil lamp in Flemington, and if you haven't then you haven't looked upon the face of true evil, here is something you will find disturbing I am sure. I was in need of a leak the other day and searching for a lavvy without a direct line of sight from the porcellain to outside walkers (quite a challenge in Japan) and came upon this abomination. Obviously meant for children, I could feel the evil radiating from it and instantly knew it was related to the evil lamp. How many kiddy souls had this thing devoured, I thought as I used the normal one next to it. How is it that such an evil thing could go unnoticed. Perhaps that was the charm of the thing. It operated in plain sight of people but caused them to not understand what they were seeing. It lies to them. To kids it simply is another child, but to us it is the beast. It lies to them but also mixes lies with the truth to confound them.

And on another note, I just loved this image so had to put it up.


At 10:03 am, Blogger Kebber said...

The lavvy IS the lamp, for true evil can assume any form it wishes and can appear anywhere it chooses in space and time. I have seen one of those little Satan urinals in Kawasaki too however it was the only one there. You can imagine my confusion. It took about 10 seconds for me to realise I was in the ladies lavvy by accident and had to haul ass outta there.

By the way, I like the poster very much. Almost as much as that European talk show host who can't stop laughing.

At 1:19 pm, Blogger Dave Gee said...

It seems that all blogs and comments have frozen in time. Other than my posts and one kurt comment, none of the blogs hae seen any action in weeks. A disappointing effort all round.

At 6:41 pm, Blogger Shirk said...

I believe Bag holds the record at the moment followed closely by me,in my case a bad case of writers blog persists to this day.Pretty crap eh.

At 8:43 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just want to say that I am impressed that your previous post has generated absolutely no comment whatsoever.

It has to be a first and well worth mentionning.

I believe that the content has simply generated a negation field in our collective subconscious resulting in a blank concerning the morning-after kid candy pills.

As for the lack of blogging from our other writters, I am still waiting for kebber to winge that nobody reads his blog!! (said with a smile)

At 9:32 pm, Blogger Dave Gee said...

I don't know if that coincidence beats the Planet Guidi Prime guess. If someone had guessed that from the clue given, I would have gone and bought a Tatts ticket.
I was beginning to wonder if everyone was mad at me for some reason.
As for 'the nice cup of..'. It is obvious the attraction. It is nothing to do with unexplained phenomenon (I hate trying to type that word). Those who are family have been moulded to my rudeness and those who are my friends have been chosen for having similar rudeness and then also moulded. Those who are about to get married to my family members were chosen by those family members who were moulded by me so you see, no one anywhere near me escapes.
On another note, just downloaded and watched Krull. Strangely I remember every small nuance of that movie before it happens, down to a small smirk by Robbie Coultrane and every note of the fantasy music. There are far to many actors in that movie that are also in Dune, and looking carefully, the slayers pants look very much like recycled still suits. Gonna have to look on IMDB to check. Sorry, this comment is so long it should have been a post.

At 7:01 am, Blogger Kebber said...

Why doesn't anyone comment on MY blog!


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