Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Very Tower

I went off the other day to see the tallest building in the world in Roppongi. It is 945 metres tall and 166 storeys to honor the 166 verses of the Tao. It sports 42 express elevators and takes just 50 seconds to reach the top floor. Because of it's height, getting water pressure to the top requires a 2000 hp diesel pump. The top 66 floors are pressurized and the windows are coated to reflect solar radiation because at that height the atmosphere is too thin to shield the occupants fully. The top floor has a revolving restaurant that takes 83 mintues to make one revolution so goes around twice in , you guessed it, 166 minutes. Access to the roof was not available that day because of the wind which can gust up to 60 kilometres per hour and... oh I give up. It's all bullshite that I made up coz I'm bored. And since if I didn't update soon I would be given shit.
By the way, Do you likakdikaday?


At 1:10 am, Blogger Kebber said...

Dave, I saw through your shit well before you gave it away. You are a lier. Everything you say is automatically filtered through my bullshit-detection device that I installed on my soul's ethernet. I'm wary of your snakey slants so don't try and cover my eyes with shank wool. And Dave Murray is alive and well.

At 1:38 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You boys all need to learn to spell.

Is he really such a lier? Does he sleep on the ground that much?

As for the blog, I was reading through it asking myself "What the hell is he talking about?"

The information was convincing enough that I had started to doubt my knowledge of tall buildings.

Well written. But then again, I might be a "lier" too with an "angle on my sholder".

At 9:26 am, Blogger Kebber said...

Shut up French boy. Go and make me a toast!

At 3:33 pm, Blogger Dave Gee said...

Wow, that was far less shite than I expected for such a pointless rude post. But I guess there is still some time for others to vent.
I have to admit, blogger separates the spellers from the spell-challenged. As there is no spell checker built in and to cut and paste from word is too much trouble. You should see me using the white borad druing advanced class. I usually get the students to correct me.

At 3:34 pm, Blogger Dave Gee said...

that last one was a typo not a spelling error ie druing so no pisstake please.

At 8:11 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I met a guy on weekend who told me I should check out this blog. Have to say fairly lame.That guy sucks arse.

At 1:56 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"angle on my shoulder"...I remember that!!! Now, who was it that wrote that. I seem to remember some guy that used to play Mario Cart and go out clubbing and hang out and stuff. What was his name????

BTW Dave, April is off again. Dont ask,....dont cry.

At 12:30 am, Blogger Dave Gee said...

Who would dare tell someone to check out my blog without my permission. Are you not aware that it's only purpose is to amuse me. If you don't like it, go and check out Reflucus's blog. Much more interesting


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