Monday, March 27, 2006

You're such a seed sack!

I happened upon this magazine when I was cleaning up the other day. It's a kids magazine for mothers about schools and clothes and stuff. I just can't imagine why, when you decide you must use an English title, you would come up with this name. Obviously it doesn't have the same connotations for Japanese that it does for us, but why?! Where is the connection to kids other than it takes a seed sack combined with a love pylon and a stench trench to make a kid. hmmm.
I just watched Fight Club again yesterday. Gotta say it's one of my favourite movies. (His name is Robert Paulson) Just before that I watched Krull (I can assume any form I wish), Alive (We ended up having to eat each other), Midnight Express (cigar cigaretta sil vous ple) , Poltergeist (I don't like the tree dad), Shawshank ( He swam through a pile of shit, came out clean on the other side) and the Young ones for the millionth time.
I was sure the music for Krull was the same as The wrath of Kahn and I was correct. Same composer and his previous film.
Trying to think of some other old movies I want to see. Maybe Close Encounters and Crimson Tide. Been hankering for a bit of Dune recently and the original Bladerunner with the naration but impossible to find except on laser disk or very old VHS. If anyone has it, let me know.


At 7:54 am, Blogger Shirk said...

Dear Davros,I have in fact got the original blade runner with narration on an original vhs tape.There is supposed to be in the pipeline an extended version coming at some point plus the director's cut plus the original all on a dvd box set but legal shit is slowing it down.Can't wait for that.I'll try and work out some way to get a copy of the original to you,maybe through kebber j on his near return.

At 11:40 pm, Blogger Kebber said...

You have my eyes!

At 11:40 pm, Blogger Kebber said...

How about the Black Hole? I'd like to see that one.

At 11:51 pm, Blogger Dave Gee said...

Yes! The Black hole would be a good watch. Think I'll look for it tonight. yu we yu wee yuyuyu. Try to imagine the music. Do you remember as kids pretending to be maximillion by spinning your hands with your elbows tucked in. The sadness of youth.

At 2:57 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kebber, I am sadden to think that you would not deliver the blade runner quote that you do so well. Please tell me you know what I mean!!

At 3:00 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A tortoise? What's that?

At 11:05 am, Blogger Dave Gee said...

You cannot include the last quote. It is invalid. Can anyone tell me why boys and girls?
Nor can you include kebbers pathetic paraphrase. The exact quote is ' Those are my eyes, freezing!' Or maybe you meant 'I only do eyes,genetic design, just eyes!'or 'I design your eyes'
And as I said it is also invalid.

At 4:18 pm, Blogger Kebber said...


At 4:19 pm, Blogger Kebber said...

Actually I thought that was from Black Rain

At 9:28 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tell us why, O great one, and it better be good, otherwise I will boycott your blog.

Sarah thinks it's because it's in the first five minutes of the movie.

At 9:28 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And thanks Kebber, I feel better now.

At 12:43 am, Blogger Dave Gee said...

The reason is that the subject was wanting to watch Bladerunner with the original narration by Harrison Ford. So Dodds quote was not in the current version and thus all quotes are only valid if they are from the narration and not in the current version. Those are my eyes, tortoise, etc are not narration, and are IN the current version so are invalid in reference to me wanting to watch the original version. Got it!?

At 9:22 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ancient movies do know nostalia is a sign of getting old......look for Boston Legal good as House .

At 1:40 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...


While cleaning out the room for our prospective moving, we discovered that we actually have an original version of Balde Runner.

A bit more memory searching revealed that it was you, Gree, who gave it to Sarah some years ago.

Now, the question is: what are you going to do for me?


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