Friday, October 13, 2006

Would you like a boiled lolly?

I saw this girls bike in a park the other day. I wondered if she was interested in Hard Candy until I saw that she was only about 10. Oh well, this is Pondenz. Sorry about my lack of posting and about my apology for not posting since that seems to be the most commonly posted subject among bloggers, even those who do update the kent. By the way, someone other than me has to pull their finger out and post in rudehedz.

You Melbourne people are hard to catch! You aren't there when I am on and you message me when I'm not.
Chief of the watch, float the buoy.
There is a Kahuna Burger in my office building! I am going to tub out. There is also a giger in the terrarium!
A few random questions for you all:
What kind of cricket can be found in the MHS gallery?
What do you remind me of?
GK better known as GN?
What street gang can be found in Berlin?
What kind of homosexuals are good at classifying animals?

Until next time.


At 11:48 pm, Blogger Bajor1 said...


At 2:37 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is that a splish comment??????? Imagine Dave, all the way from Stralia!

At 5:45 pm, Blogger Dave Gee said...

The other comments are also from Oz but it is a little unusual to hear from the recently employed Spishlex. I'll have milk and 2 sugars with my coffee and the other board members will have lapdances.

At 10:10 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your new Sisyphus role. Or is it roll? I hear you're at the helm of the Enterprise, but with the hours you keep it may well be the Tardis.

At 12:05 pm, Blogger Dave Gee said...

I don't have Syphilis! Maybe a little Crabs or gonnorhea picked up in the tropics but that's all.

At 5:02 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wish all you Stralians would stop speaking in your Ozoslang.....I cant understand half the Sh%t you guys are talking about! What is 'Tardis'???? Maybe if I brush up on this slang I can pass the immigration visa application! Otherwise, I will have to deal with 'Hey Dude, kewl'....'Im going to the mall, wanna come with'??? See what I mean?

At 7:55 pm, Blogger Dave Gee said...

Tardis (n)(acr) Time And Relative Dimensions In Space. In reference to The Doctor's time traveling device in the BBC series 'Doctor Who',having the peculiar properties of being small on the outside but impossibly large inside.
The reference to Tardis may be in relation to it's herculian internal size and how this property could make it a good metaphore for the behemoth task that lies before me in becoming a director and the long hours that I work.
Sisyphus was a mythical Greek king punished in the underworld by having to push a boulder up a hill for eternity and again may be an analogue of my newly acquired profession. I might add that although there are many people of Greek extraction residing in my home town, it is by no means a reason to conclude that said demographic was responsible for the origin of such a myth.
And Enterprise is obviously a reference to the famed craft from Star Trek, the epic space series created by the last Gene Roddenburry (August 19, 1921 – October 24, 1991), and American. Some have confused this Enterprise, however, with one of the many historical Enterprises in US and British history (8 and 14 respectively).
You would also be forgiven for confusing it with The Enterprize (with a z) ship (a topsail schoonar built in Hobart in 1829) of Melbournian historic significance and as such you may consider this reference 'Ozoslang' to use your vernacular. However I am reasonably certain this ship is not the one refered to in the post.
So fack ya!!!!!

At 7:41 pm, Blogger Bajor1 said...

Who was the first Gene Roddenberry?

At 4:06 pm, Blogger Kebber said...

No, Shaw, the correct question is: Who did gene Roddenberry?

At 5:45 pm, Blogger Dave Gee said...

That should be lateshaw, as you well know. Wikipedia is a butt punter.

At 10:04 am, Blogger Kebber said...

Kent it Bloomboy!


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