A woeful tale of treachery and deceit

Fortunately they had another friend named Military Mouse who was the toughest of the bunch. He protected them when The Rabbi, an insane rabbit, or Calli, the ever stalking cat came by. Everyone felt safe with Military mouse around. Even Big Mama didn't chew him out often, acknowledging somewhat begrudgingly, his importance to the troop.
Anyway, they all lived happily for many seasons until for some reason, they all decided to eat Business Slump. Now he wasn't the smallest, but he was easily the weakest so they consumed him, even little Tiny who just couldn't overcome her bloodlust.
This is a moot point however as the next week, they ate her too, munching up every morsel until there was nothing left but her little claws on the ground.
And thus began the succession of cannibalistic banquets until one day, there were only 2 mice left, the big, bad Big Mama and the tough, sinewy Military mouse. They eyed each other off for a while and decided to parle for a little. Military mouse had dealt with rabbits and cats before and wasn't about to let this bad tempered female have the better of him....but in fact that's what happened. She ate him the very next day.
I bought a new cell phone this week that allows you to record your own ring tone through the internal speaker be it your own voice or something from the internet. I will give a prize to anyone who can guess what I chose for my ring tone.
Like in that film,we ended up having to eat eachother
Bagshaw Eats doughnuts
Dave is going to make me hooter zooter over the phone
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