OI Mohori

Ok so I went digging for sweet potatoes which is a common school outing in Japan and as we pulled into the farm by bus I had this creepy notion that I was about to enter a spidery domain. And I wasn't mistaken as, walking down the main path to the farmhouse, I passed through a literal webby tunnel of large grape sized orbos. Being taller than most Pondenzas I had to bend down to avoid collecting the lower ones in my hair. Could I get used to an arachnoid farmers life in Pondenz? I think not. The picture is of one of the larger ones I spied. Funnily, the other city slickers with me were unphased by these creatures. Most Japanese would prefer to walk through such a web than make contact with a cockroach, a bug I consider objectionable but far less evil.
Pin got about 6 sweet potatoes, and I happened upon this bike front used as a filthy hoe. It is amazing what country folk will make out of junk, says he with a collage made from old plastic boxes glues to his wall as some form of artistic message.
Oi Mohori means sweet potato picking.
Pure fucking evil that is. Pure fucking evil.
Oh and thank you so much for slipping up and presenting me with the opportunity to correct your Japanese - the correcting spacing is Oimo hori. No really, thank you.
That would be Sooooba. Thanks again.
Hang on! Are you correcting my pronunciation of Jamies error? You spell better in Japanese than English keb.
As 'O' or 御 in Oimohori is an honorific, in this case it is used as a kind of cute slang, the real spelling should be imohori (sweet)potatodigging (harvesting)... Also, imohori is 1 word, not 2 (in romaji). Ikkyu has spoken.
Thank you Randy, Kurt just got owned.
Shuttup sankyu. I KNEW what Ikyuu said already, I was just separating the two parts of the word to distinguish their kanji readings for those of lesser rank. I feel I have kept my honor.
Really, may I quote you..'the correcting spacing is Oimo hori'. I believe the word spacing only really works for romanji.If you ain't wrong, then me neither.
Sankyu has spoken.
It sounds like Poke Mahone!
Look san, just let it go - we've all moved along and it's about time you did too, don't you think? You weren't really wrong, we were just messin' with you. Your Japanese is really good, really. Don't worry about it.
Kent it Bloomy
It's nice to see others have kept up the tradition of correcting you Gree. You're crap in any language it seems. It's only your fast talk and argue that keeps your head above water.
We can't get commentage from home but while on holiday in Singapore we get a post!
Perhaps you could sponsor me to travel and comment on your blog Dave?
Dave,what the fuck is going on?KEEEEEEEEEENNNNNNNNTTTTT!
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