Friday, December 23, 2005

almost there.

Have you ever seen a ruder bike seat? So you can ride it backwards as easily as forwards.
It's almost over. One more working day to go before Christmas. As a celebration I subjected my students to vegemite and strangely most of them liked it. Perhaps because I warned them beforehand that the lovely chocolaty facade harboured a taste that to put it mildly needs to be least for non-stralians. I also played them the remix I made of a class conversation tape. The textbook tape conversations are cliche, overacted and sometimes downright racist. One has a black couple trying to convince another black kid to come with them, steal a car and go joyriding. He agrees. Then the same couple ask a nice wholesome whiteboy and he declines, presumably because nice white boys don't commit such heinous crimes. It's so bad I had to mix the dialogue into a hiphop track with scratching, sirens and ghetto sounds. Needless to say, the students liked the new version better. I think I'll send it to the text publisher.
Pin is better. I still have my pain but I'm back at gym, at least for the time being. Pretty sure it's not stones as food does not effect it in anyway. Could be pleuracy since it's around the ribcage, but only on one side, hmmm. I guess the smart thing would be to go to the doctor again. Naaaa I'm enjoying the Housish diagnostics. Actually I am going to the doctor to get flu vaccine next week so kiilin' 2 birds with 1 stone.


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