Monday, December 26, 2005

Merry Christmas to all and Sundry.
We had the usual big christmas party including the long lost Spish and Chris in their debut Japan Gee Chrissie bash. Notable attendants, the ever troubled Nigel made his first appearance since er last christmas. That's consistency for you. And in work attire he was the boss so we had to behave ourselves. Above is a picture of Randy, and no this photo has NOT been photoshopped. He puts my naturally spherized headz to shame. Full points for that hed.
Lisa got, as part of her hoard of prezzies, a four faced rubix cube (pictured). Still not sure if it's rediculously easy or fiendishly difficult. The jury's out on this one as I have only gotten one side one colour yet and only in alcoholically enhanced state. Will reveal results when sober. Thanks everyone who gave cool prezzies. Lisa's favourite is the doggy dollhouse from Randy but loves all of the received toys. Currently playing with the hamster in a plastic ball. Hours of fun for the whole family. In the picture is my latest creation made especially for the party. It was supposed to be a playdoh disco ball but looks more like an alien mushroom or a nuclear explosion but either way,an eye turner. It flashes too! Everyone should have one, impress your friends! Fun at parties! It slices, dices, juliennes and comes in a beaut swuedette pouch. Anyway, tonight for dinner was the madatory leftover turkey in sandwich manifestation and if the natural progression of leftovers continues, will reappear once more as some sort of miced pie in combination with the last stand of Potato Salad and the Vegetable gang at which point we will all rejoice that we have seen the last of said bird and infernal condiments. However we will not grieve their passing but will remember the good times and satisfied stomachs that they brought upon the partygoers lest we take for granted that which David lugged across Tokyo in a dripping cold bag.
Sorry to see Kurt couldn't make it due to the Pox. We all thought about him lying at home in bed watching Lord of the Rings ( a kebber tradition it would seem) and assure him that he was in our hearts and minds and he'd better not use this as an excuse not to give me prezzies! Actually Kurt, if you're reading, I still owe you for 'Electronics for Dummies'. If you are really lucky I may present you with the Playdoh DiscoBall


At 5:58 pm, Blogger Bajor1 said...

Nige looks so professional, maybe exaggerated by Randy's natural rude head.

I can just imagine Lisa hanging out with her friends.
"So.... what did you get for Christmas? Oh the usual, pikachu, hello kitty, hard gay doll...and what did you get Lisa?"

'I got a um...errr..."disco ball" and a Rubiks cube - Daddy says I will get the extra squares for my birthday.'

"So what's that mushroom thing?"

'That's the disco ball...'

"Ooooooooooo K, good luck with the Rubiks cube"

It does look pretty cool, maybe a night pic with the leds going will convince me. I've just finished the Christmas ham myself so I guess it's back to meat pies from the canteen, Poppy's pizza and two large qtr pounder meals and a strawberry shake.

At 11:59 pm, Blogger Dave Gee said...

Actually, in my defense She won the cube in Chris Kringle randomized present distribution. And as stated, the Playdoh DiscoBall™ was made as an enhancement to the party atmosphere, not a present as such, although she did play with it quite a bit.
The playdoh Flashlight™ is next on the agenda if I can work out how to incorporate the battery pack without the need to destroy it to replace the batteries. Requires some engineering ingenuity, me thinks.


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