Sunday, April 09, 2006

Lack of Ramblings

OK, time to get this thing going again. I would have said resuscitate but I'm too scared to try spelling it. (used a spell checker). I will stress less about including pictues. That's what has been causing me to avoid postage. So here's some serious rambling.
During training at work I have been urged to 'Activate the schema' in my classes. I would like to do this but can't find the control panel for mine so it will go unactivated.
If you believe they put Lamonde on the moon, are you too easily duped?
What do you think the following things taste like:
1. The spice melange
2. Luke Skywalkers food that Yoda eats
3. Yodas food that Luke doesn't eat
4. The food that Dave Bowman and Frank Poole eat on Discovery
5. The small creature that The Baron squeezes and eats from a glass container
6. The elven bread that Frodo and Sam eat on the trip to Mordor.
7. The blue (?) milky juice that Luke drinks on Uncle Owens farm.


At 3:37 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

First off, use the spell checker for the rest of your article or do you take "pictues" with a "camea"?

Second, the different tastes. Both these list were done independantly. Note the eerie similarities.


1. Technically, it's supposed to taste like cinnamon but I don't buy that crap. Something salty, maybe salty cheese PlayDough. Although salty PlayDough might be a tautology.

2. Same as above or a Calorie Mate.

3. Some crappy japanese soup; watery, salty, slimy shit in it.

4. Same as #1 with varying flavours; roast beef, corn soup, etc.

5. Lymph, best from a popped zit although this could be transference from the scene it's in ("Stick the pick in there, Pete, and turn it round real neat!").

6. Kamakura dove cookies.

7. Soy milk with leak.


1. Coco

2. Chocolate Calorie Mate

3. Japanese slimy food (take your pick)

4. Weider Gel Packs

5. See #3

6. Chocolate scone from "Vie de Prance" minus the chocolate.

7. I think it was actually green. The only thing that comes to mind is the vanilla ice cream with spoonful of creme de menthe that my mom used to make.

Yes, yes. I will stop writting now.

At 3:14 pm, Blogger Dave Gee said...

Sorry, My 'r' key finger seems a little challenged.
As for your answers, if the Australian Govt. needs proof that you too have lived together, that's it. Far too long it would seem.

At 4:32 pm, Blogger Bajor1 said...

1. According the book melange is in everything so I'd have to assume it's something people put on everything like tomato sauce. Yeah, cinnamon flavoured tomato sauce.

2. Vegetarian sausage or a powerbar.

3. Warm vomit, lovingly collected from depraved pornsluts.

4. Can't remember the scene so I'll say chicken.

5. Melange of course, it's in everything, with a hint of brain.

6. Elves I guess, burnt elves.

7. It's Jawa milk, it's coloured blue because Jawas are coloured blue (you can't really tell in the movies though).

At 6:38 pm, Blogger Kebber said...

Spice Melange: Space Food Sticks
Luke's fude: kabana (how the fuck do you spell that?)
Yoda's phood: weak pea soup
N0.4: Is that 2001? Haven't seen it since I was 7
No.5: Same as above plus a few years
Elven bred: The inside of those round sugar-coated gypo Ginger bicuits back home
Luke's likwid: Blue Heaven Milk shake

What about the corn bread in Aliens? And human soup in Conan the Barb?

At 10:39 pm, Blogger Dave Gee said...

I thought:
spice - those little kabana sticks
lukes food - vanilla wafers
yodas food - tomato soup
dave bowmans food - deb instant mashed potatoes
barons squeeze - umeboshi
elven bread - vanilla wafers. (Luke hung out in Rivendell)
juice - Blue heaven milkshake it is.

At 10:40 pm, Blogger Dave Gee said...

And Spish, 'tautology'..thats a big word isn't it.
tautology, longevity, incept dates.


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