Tuesday, November 07, 2006

OI Mohori

Ok so I went digging for sweet potatoes which is a common school outing in Japan and as we pulled into the farm by bus I had this creepy notion that I was about to enter a spidery domain. And I wasn't mistaken as, walking down the main path to the farmhouse, I passed through a literal webby tunnel of large grape sized orbos. Being taller than most Pondenzas I had to bend down to avoid collecting the lower ones in my hair. Could I get used to an arachnoid farmers life in Pondenz? I think not. The picture is of one of the larger ones I spied. Funnily, the other city slickers with me were unphased by these creatures. Most Japanese would prefer to walk through such a web than make contact with a cockroach, a bug I consider objectionable but far less evil.
Pin got about 6 sweet potatoes, and I happened upon this bike front used as a filthy hoe. It is amazing what country folk will make out of junk, says he with a collage made from old plastic boxes glues to his wall as some form of artistic message.
Oi Mohori means sweet potato picking.