Sunday, January 14, 2007

I am not a furry!

Walking around Shinjuku I come across a bunch of rabbits and figure, when in Rome. My stupidity often amazes even me. Sales season so went to Zara for some new duds. Tried on about 5 pairs of jeans and found one pair that doesn't make my butt look big. (as it is) In the changing room carefully fold that pair, put it aside for purchase and throw the pile of unacceptable ones at the store clerk. Go and pay, go home and decide to try them on. Open the bag and realize the pair was not the one I had selected but a much daggier pair I had discarded. What a loser. At what point did I think I was capable of surviving in modern society without a bib (fortuna) and dummy. Anyway, Inson's gonna take them back for me tomorrow while I lay on the couch and watch American Chopper, as is my Sunday morning tradition. She will pay for my lack of vision. This is the way of things. Except that American Chopper has been discontinued on Sunday in favour of some Beyond 2000 kind of thing that is sadly out of date and still doing stories about the wonders of Carbon Fiber and ethanol. And they even have the gaul to have ads for the AC boxed DVD set since we can no longer see Paul Jr talking about chroming and power coating while Paul Sr has another (oh so obviously) roid rage fit in the background.
Finally got this comp up and working properly, the old one now inhabits the HAL case. Don't know what else to say as I am a bit en-beveraged and need a slash.



At 7:53 am, Blogger Shirk said...

Ah,I love the guys from OCC,especially Vinnie,he never seems to get enough credit for building the bikes though.Used to be my regular Thursday night viewing until Foxtel kept jumbling the episodes out of sequence and putting newbies in with oldies.Dave,fave bike so far?

At 6:01 pm, Blogger Dave Gee said...

Don't you think Vinnie could be Bag circa 1992 when he was a mechanic. I agree about jumbling the episodes, Sky does that too. Every now and then they will be back in the old workshop unable to make their own frames, next they have the cutout machine and the punching dummy is gone.
As for favorite bike, that's are hard one as there are so many good ones. I really liked the yellow one they made for Lance Armstrong and the Sonoko bike with the racing look. Some of the old ones are too cheesy, like the NASA bike.

At 4:11 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You look like a pervert, or a 'cos play' Akihabara geek. Ill bet you've got a woodie!!

At 7:17 am, Blogger Shirk said...

Yeah the shuttle is a bit cheesy,I quite like the I robot bike though.It was funny watching them do the drag bike,they had no fucking idea what was going on.

At 7:18 am, Blogger Shirk said...

And the Bill Murray one was a shocker

At 8:29 pm, Blogger Dave Gee said...

Oh Yeah Bill Murrays sucked, Nubby really flubbed the paint. You could even see by his own expression he wasn't impressed.

At 7:54 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Three words for you.....

Billy Joel Bike.

At 8:23 pm, Blogger Dave Gee said...

Billy Joel was such a prick. And his head is getting ruder as he gets older.
I'm never really impressed by the 'old school' bikes.

At 6:37 pm, Blogger Shirk said...

Billy Joel's eyes seem to get buggier and buggier by the year,he looks like those people you've seen on the net that can bulge their eyes out at will.Seen some live shows of his on tv and he's becoming the classic grumpy old man.

At 7:29 am, Blogger Shirk said...

A grumpy old man with a fairly hot 25 year old wife ;)

At 2:41 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Update girl and she been living in an Update world.

At 2:51 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dave your influence never ceases to amaze me. Fancy my surprise when whilst bored at work (now) I type in "flub" into google and get a quasi Wilkipedia definition that is to stuff up etc ergo your meaning. Funnily enough the origin is unknown. Maybe I should submit the true origin being DAve rudeness.

At 11:48 pm, Blogger Bajor1 said...

Naturally the truth is rather more boring about 'flub'. Being a big fan of that Clint Eastwood classic 'Heartbreak Ridge', I was more than happy to sit through a cleaned for TV version one day. Instead of the usual cutting of scenes or silence every time someone said fuck, they used....flub. Needless to say they had Dave at 'You are a walking cluster-flub'. Damn you Gerry Maguire. Of course that doesn't give the origin of flub.


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