I Know, I know

Yes, It's been an obscenely long time since an update. The main problem is not lack of material but lack of pictures to go with it. You can also blame this new job which I am just getting used to enough to start catching up with my old interests. Job is getting easier but still very challenging. I think it will be easier to get used to than the casino was but much easier than teaching, by a long shot. Much more fulfilling than either.
I spent most of the (short) winter holidays getting this new computer to work. After finally working out the problem was the memory, and after returning it twice and finally deciding it's better to spend a bit more for name brand memory, all's well. (touch formica).
I am able to do this tonight because, for once, I don't have to get up at 4:30am. But only for once. I guess all have heard about Kebber. If not, well ask him. If you don't know already, it's not my place to say....well ok, he's really gay. He came out of the closet last weekend. Out of the blue he decided to come around a night last week and Inson and I both suspected he was going to tell us about his sexual preference. And so he did claiming not to have realized he was going to do it himself.
Congrats Kurky.
Here is a celebratory picture of Shoehead who has the tendency to eat my foot from time to time.
Welcome back brother.Good to hear job is going well and also congrats to Kirky on his recent coming out,he can finally be himself.Enjoy the man love.
Phunny photo and well done to the last of us going to either the marriage camp or the camp camp. I notice that blogspot needs to be congratulated on the addition of a spell checker. It just took me three goes to spell marriage. Well done to all.
Not like me to hi jack someone else's blog for announcements but I too have life changing news to deliver. It appears I have been selected to appear on Burt's Family Feud thus fulfilling my life times ambition of participating as a contestant on at least one crappy game show. Alas it is as a representative of Melbourne Zoo as such no prizes forth coming and I will have to moderate my behavior to fit company expectations. I ask that you give me a media challenge that is something subtle that I will do whilst on camera as a tribute to the blog gods.
That last entry was by me not some random blogger. As means of validating I am who I say I am, Dave do you remember when Chouli ate Sarah's shit out of the sand pit in Canberra?
I thought Sarah ate Choulie's shit, or was it Willy Carcar?
It was Sarah eating Choulies shit, until she can prove otherwise.
Dodd, your challenge is as simple as it is elegant. You must grace the airwaves with a joker mouth, be it only for a second or so.
I second the motion. A deft choice. Perhaps you could touch your lower cheek as you do it whilst pretending you are thinking. Can someone video tape that for me please?
Man, how did Sarah manage to down a dog turd! It's amazing what kids can eat.
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