Saturday, February 17, 2007

Horsehead Nebula

While on a stroll through Inokashira park we came across this specimen. I thought I was traveling at light speed through the cosmos and had come across this most famous of all astral phenomena. All I could think of was, 'Genius! Why did I not think of this first?'
Pyon was not amused. Especially since he had an exceptionally smooth bock and the Japanese equivalent of KT26's.
Which is better then? One pair of $100 Nike's for 1 year, or 10 pairs of KT26's for the same time period? Schulze would argue the latter although he would make the one pair last 1 year so comparison is a moot point.
Were we really that cool. Darby's totally classy nightclub. $15 black barter scouts coz they won't let you in without leather shoes. Happy hour half price Bundy & Coke in each hand coz happy hour's about to run out. Shiny grey baggy trousers borrowed for the occasion in combination with $2 green t-shirt. Virago cologne. In the VIP room which is just another room but with less stale beer on the floor and glass windows. Sitting across from a dance platform with a male Bouncer/Dancer in Lycra Bike shorts and sporting huge fafolta, pelvis gyrating to 'Jack to the sound of the underground'. Sitting next to 2 chicks who look good because of the Bundy & Cokes but you know your senses are letting you down because they are affectionately known as 'Mongoloid' and 'Steroid', and the best loking chick in the place is going out with a guy who wears Stone-wash stretch Fabergé jeans when not forced into polyester for this weekly tradition.
The DJ is looked on as a god here but is just a big haired bogan with one bike glove on. The chicks are playing 'Who has the biggest bangs' while dancing in their high-heels in a circle around their purses and Winny Blues'. The DJ has a bunch of hangers with even bigger hair and mullets who know every tune he plays, the label it's on and the BPM. A bunch of guys are in one corner of the dance floor wearing splat pants stompin' because they have members medallions and know the door bitch so can get in without polyester.
Need I go on...

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At 9:08 pm, Blogger Bajor1 said...

Either no-one is reading this or they are as speechless as I am. It took me 24 hours to recover and I still don't know where to start. Equus is just sublime, it totally tops the picture of Job Warehouse on my phone. As for Darvell's I'm not sure my time spent eating pizza and drinking BigMs and/or beer or Cougar or Bundy was any worse for my health than the toxic fumes of cigarette smoke, smoke machine fumes and hair gel solvent.

At 5:57 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah memories of past lives. Hey here's an idea. Turn ya fucken skype on cunt.

Ben t schmee

P.s well done on the update
just kidding

At 9:13 pm, Blogger Shirk said...

Is that a party blowout whistle inserted into the horses nose?

At 10:48 pm, Blogger Dave Gee said...

Yes it is. There is one in each nostril and he blew from them every now and then. Such subtlety.


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