Friday, January 06, 2006

Well done everyone on the last batch of quotes. I discovered that it is too easy if I give the movie name and google rights so this next batch will be without movie name. You can still google but obnly after everyone has had one attempt from memory only. This next lot will be more obscure and without names. Still may be easy for anyone who has been anywhere near me in the last 15 years for more than 5 minutes. Although people who fit the above criteria and actually listen to my drivel may be rarer. And this time I won't put the answers in, you'll have to check the comments so everyone can have a try.
Anyway, off we go.

1. Chief of the watch, ________ _____ ________!
2. We were using level 5 _________ ________ when we should have been using level 7.
3. No you're fucked,confined to the ___________!
4. More than __________!
5. Lighten up Pops before your _________ ___________.
6. It's people like you what causes __________.
7. Why build one when you can build two at __________ ________ __________.
8. Which ones yours? It's the one that says bad __________ __________.
9. You're a real vulgarian aren't you. Your'e the vulgarian, you ____________!
10. The only way outa here's through that valley, but I wouldn't trust that on a __________ _________ ________.


At 12:21 am, Blogger Bajor1 said...

4. More than you
6. It's people like you what causes unrest
10. The only way outa here's through that valley, but I wouldn't trust that on a broke dick dog (ticks on a hound) - Billy

At 12:36 am, Blogger Dave Gee said...

No way, I remember that billy picture too. Was the quote with it? Anyway good first show.

At 12:52 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. jettison the buoy
2. air scrubbers
7. ass mutherfucker
9. fuck

spish and dentore

At 12:57 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. float the buoy (booeee, ricardo gooey). I may be getting star trek mixed up with submarine movies i.e crimson tide or hunt for red october.


At 2:42 pm, Blogger Bajor1 said...

Yes, the Billy picture was going to be a question on my next entry but you beat me to it. At the end of the quote it was:
(broke dick dog)
(ticks on a hound)

At 5:37 pm, Blogger Kebber said...

3. infirmary
7. twice the price

At 1:32 am, Blogger Dave Gee said...

Well done everbody, a splendid job.

No 7. is not completely correct, check it out yourself.

Nobody can get no.5 so I'll give you the movie; Akira

At 1:33 am, Blogger Dave Gee said...

Oh and by the way, would you people leave comments on Kurt's Bloge that he's a slacker and that no one will look at a blog with only 3 pages that hasn't been updated since last year.

At 2:02 pm, Blogger Dave Gee said...

C'mon, nobody knows no.5?
I told you the movie. Try askinf Nigel, I'm sure he can help.

At 12:01 am, Blogger Dave Gee said...

Ok poofters, It's lighten up before your arteries harden.


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