Sunday, January 08, 2006

Bones super cones
To clear up a point, here are the Bone's official super cones. These are in fact a reconstruction of an artists rendition from the red book. These were what Bone called the ideal cones. They are what occupied much of his mind in Year 11 accounting class.
The more I look at that picture of the Glen Pattison sports coach dude, the more I think it's him. It bears a striking resemblance to him with 15 years added and given the name and his penchant for sports, (following not playing) my suspicion increases. The hard part to believe is that this guy is one of Australias TOP coaches and demands $5000 a seminar. How our Bones could become this guy is somewhat of a metamorphosis although if you told me Bones would become a master hypnotist I would refer you to the red book; Quote 'mesmerize people with his fast talk and argue' with a picture of a guy with spirals for eyes as if being hypnotised. Prophetic? Hmm. Bag will let us know just as soon as he walks across the common behind his house and raps on the fateful door.
I wonder if he still drives a Cortina. He always said, if he could choose any car in the world, that would be it.


At 9:04 pm, Blogger Kebber said...

Dave why don't you just do a search on the dude's background. There's bound to be some reference to his schooling history.

At 4:21 am, Blogger Bajor1 said...

Keb, I have attempted to hunt down every link to the guy and none reveal anything about his past. In time the Internet will no doubt reveal more.

At 10:00 am, Blogger Kebber said...

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At 10:04 am, Blogger Kebber said...

I wonder of he motivates his clients by chasing them around his office with a piece of shit smeared toilet paper. That's obviously why he is Australia's leading motivator. Must be called the Boglet technique.

At 12:42 pm, Blogger Dave Gee said...

Actually I think it's called 'How to Winnet sports'.
I too have scoured the internet but references to the guy are scarce. He is as elusive as a g spot. Strange for someone who has released 2 books and touts himself as such a prominant figure. Maybe he is all over the net but hypnotizes us into believing he is not there.
I remeber the first ever thing he said to me in high school, somewhat of an introduction. He said 'There's a rumor going around the gay circuit that you have a slimy passage.'
I tell you though, that face gets more and more familiar. Damned if theres only the one image anywhere on the net. I found another but it's the same one cropped. And no Bio's anywhere despite writing a couple of books. All I'm after is a 'born in Melbourne' or ' attended Melbourne High School' or something, but no luck.
Bag, Do me a favour and scan the image of Bone from your year 11(?) school photos and post it for comparison.

At 4:02 pm, Blogger Bajor1 said...

Dave if you ask me to open the archive I can't control what comes out. Check my next entry for the results along with a new word quiz. I think the school photos are with the folks so will have to request a scan and email.

At 4:02 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bag, I can just imagine the evil smirk on your face as you open the school photo album!


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