Friday, January 06, 2006

This is not me!
Although I did once want to be a police officer.
It was a real brass monkey day today although still no bloody snow! The gods have not been smiling on me this winter. The rest of the country is covered except the small corner with Tokyo in it. It sucks. If your gonna have such bad weather, at least give us the amusement of snow!
Anyway, not going to prattle on about it. My injury appeared to have gone away until I went to gym today for the first time in a month and it came back, though not so bad. It must be muscular but I am prepared to put up with a certain amount of pain in the pursuit of buff. Second day back at work. Not so busy because of no morning classes and fewer than usual students but the spawn I teach were acting up. They're still on holidays so haven't got freedom out of their systems yet.

And here is a self portrait done with head scale carefully callibrated to show you how big my head is and why gym is necessary to 'even out' my body with my head and butt. Since I have been missing gym I have noticed my muscles starting to deflate. It sucks that what is so hard to make, is so easy to lose.


At 2:50 pm, Blogger Bajor1 said...

Let's trace back through Dave's memory...

I want to be a cop but I have apsirations so I'd better get a D-Gree (get it!) so I can be a Seargent and push people around.

What's the best, slackest course I can do?

Eureka! Indiana Jones I've got it, I'll become an archeologist, it'll hone my investigative skills and all that Nazi fighting will be useful for pushing people around.

Let's not forget the chix, Indy was beating them off with a stick.

Now where's my guide to slack Universities...

On the subject of scary things on the Internet, Dave you need to make a call to this guy and ask if he has ever had a Super Cone.

At 2:56 pm, Blogger Bajor1 said...

I forgot, you'll need his number:
Glen Pattison, author of "The Unbeatable Advantage" is Australia's leading Performance Coach. To speak with Glen about his seminars and coaching sessions (in-person or by phone) call (02) 9976 5666 .

At 5:43 pm, Blogger Kebber said...

No, don't you remember - the reason dave wanted to be a cop was because he wanted to be a "mounty" or a mounted cop or some shit like that. By the way Bag, I don't understand the super cone comment.

At 6:33 pm, Blogger Dave Gee said...

Yes keb is right I wanted to be a mounty or maybe a motorbike cop until I found out you have to be a normal cop for a number of years first. I even went to the recruiting center but I didn't like the smell of bacon in the place.

At 6:37 pm, Blogger Dave Gee said...

And regarding the Glen Pattison thing, that is bones's real name. The scarey thing is the picture looks enough like him to be him. Last I heard Bones was working for a Bwank but that was 15 years or more ago. He could have turned his life around since then I guess. Bag I'm not going to call, you have to go to 8 Highclear Ave and ask his parents since it's throwing distance away.
Pandoras box awaits.

At 9:03 pm, Blogger Bajor1 said...

Look just coz I can see his house and see his parent's car every few weeks does not give me the courage to investigate. Dammit if I only had the red book I could show Keb the super cones. Dave could you please render them for me in that awesome program Pencil 2B, one of each type of super cones.

At 9:05 pm, Blogger Bajor1 said...

On the subject of the Red Book, I know that Mum got me to photocopy most of Steve's drawings from the Red Book and Red Diary, they must be around my place somewhere.


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