Wednesday, January 11, 2006

I should apply for a job at The Gap in their Image\Marketing department. I went there on Monday (a public holiday) to do the usual new year clothes shopping. Before entering I made a mental note to self that I betted I would hear the new Madonna song played while there. Not because it was by Madonna , the Queen of Mainstream in the Mecca of Mainstream fashion, but because the song in question is exactly the kind of 'western' song that gap plays endlessly through their systems in an attempt at pseudo-cool. They try desparately not to be mainstream in the way that Ikea does for furniture in the hopes of catching the plebean clientele that think they are otherwise. I'm not sure in The States but presumably here it's to emphasize the 'westerness' of the store. I actually quite like the song, ripping off Abba's 70's disco tune Gime Gime Gime but quite effectively and the production on the track is awesome, but to hear it at The Gap not once but 3 times was so tiredly predictable. I'm sure it's very carefully chosen as are all aspects of The Gap store experience. They've become bloody expensive recently too except for their really cheap New Year's sales. Hence my purchase of new work dax, much to Inson's delight.
Back at work Ho Humm. Scarey thing is it doesn't bother me this year. Maybe because I haven't started the morning classes yet.
And here we have a picture of Bag at a recent Halloween party dressed as Tron from the movie. You must explain how you made this costume Bag, it's rather cool.


At 9:36 am, Blogger Bajor1 said...

You sick bastard Dave! How did you uncover my greatest shame?

First of all I took a man...with extreme testicular confinement. Then I added random blue stuff that looks like electronics. Take a stack hat painted white and add some blue. Finally buy a cloning machine and make a very good likeness of me. I swear...


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