Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Memoirs of a little Geisha, with Fat headed Dad.
Ok, this is my first post in a while, a piss poor effort but nothing like lots of free time to make it impossible to find the time to do stuff. I swear the only time I don't go to the gym regularly , apart from when suffering mystery ailments, is when I have plenty of time to do so without rushing. When I am busy and in a rush I can always manage to squeeze it in.
On another matter, I used to think about how cool it would be to be transported back into high school in my current mature personage. How conscientious I would be studying! How cool I would be around my peers. eh..well, I don't study enough Japanese now. I don't study enough of anything I should be studying. Lets face it, I am as rude as I was in high school so would sadly, not be the cool kid. The 8 year olds I teach think I'm an embarrassment! Although there are about 5 things I should be doing in my free time towards bettering myself and my employability each night after pondering which one I should do ie. prioritizing, then feeling dismay that I don't have nearly enough time to do them and can't decide which to at least attempt,.... I give up in frustration and decide to play a computer game , leaving it to the proverbial next night. Oh well, another genius with the potential to rule the world falls prey to his own intellect and lack of focus due to the perceived banality of it all in relation to his own higher state of consciousness. While some dim wit whose only saving grace is the ability to focus his or her tiny brain on one simple task at a time plods along and eventually through sheer length of study does end up creating the first teleporter or antigravity device. Or ends up running a top multinational simply because they are not inspired to greater things and keep their noses down in the textbook at hand. Oh well, that was my New Years gripe. So now I have to persevere, only problem is again which way to go. Music, IT,Graphix,Game development,Business Japanese,Writing, Weight Training, Blogging.....he then reaches over for his copy of Unreal Tournament and prepares for a few hours of blissful emptiness inside a game, free of the pressures of advancement.


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