Sunday, April 23, 2006

I Just Don't Get It!

Now, for anyone who has spent more than a day in Japan, the small portion problem can be more than a little annoying. But for someone who has been here almost 10 years it has become par for the course and with a little use of 'evade' skills can be thwarted, and when it does occur; these days gets little more than a sigh.
I was however dumbfounded by this one. Sitting on the new rooftop restaurant at Keio department store in Shinjuku and felt like a coffee. 350 yen, about average for a department store cafe. I could smell the fries so perused the menu and saw they were 400 yen (about $4.50). I knew they would be a little small but decided that it was worth the risk.
As the old dude brought them over and placed them on the table (complete with toothpicks?) Inson and I simultaneously stared agape at them and then at the guy before he trundled back into his kitchen. Now it may not be clear from the picture but that is a saucer not a plate and as photos can be deceptive I put my hand next to it for scale. The sauce sachet is the giveaway. There are 13 chips, at least 4 of which are just crusty bits. Lets say 8 good solid chips. That makes them about 60 cents each. I remember looking at the old dude thinking, 'Wipe that smurk off your face you old git. Don't make me come over there!' How can someone with any dignity actually bring themselves to take an order like this to a table. This wasn't a flash cafe. It was like those outdoor beach snack shops with a few tables and a tarp to keep out the rain and sun. The place had just re-opened after rennovation too. As expected there were very few patrons but about 30 tables so the manager obviously expected lots of people.
What really gets me though is trying to picture the meeting of manager and owner deciding the menu and portions.
Manager brings out his idea of a good serving of chips,'Now I think we can really impress the new clientele by giving them 14 small chips for 400 yen. What do you think Mr Sato?'
Sato san scratches his combover staring at the saucer of chips. He walks around it once fingering his stubble, one hand in the pocket of his Aoki suit. He crouches down to view it from the fries' perspective, 'You say the cost to us of making this dish will be about 30 yen? Can't we shave a bit more off. The margin's too small for my liking.'
The Manager, now sweating a little tries another tack,' Well we could make 5 of the chips just the crunchy bits that congeal around the filter of the deep-frier?'
'Hmm. I like that, I like it a lot but I would be much more comfortable with one less chip as well as your inspired suggestion.', says the Owner.
The manager nervously adds, 'It would, of course, probably cause any who order it to never come back to our establishment and thus cause us to have absolutely no good-will or reputation and cost us millions more than the 20 extra yen it would cost us to make a meal people would come back for and hence pay our salaries and make you wealthy.'
'Yes you have a good point there. To spend a minute amount more would surely create a vast amount of patronage for many years to come and a early retirement for me and an executive position at the department store for you....but that extra chip has me ill at ease. Lose the chip, or you lose your job.'
And so David sits staring at his meagre rations wondering if Inson is going to steal one and if so will it be the big one on the right.

And on another note, Do you think the singer Shania Twain knows how to import images from her scanner to photoshop?


At 9:11 am, Blogger Shirk said...

To use a Kurtism,that's poor grammage profit,or a Sitchism "that really is poor value".What else can be said,this wouldn't even satisfy my kids let alone this fat man.It's up there with the glass of coke which is 80% ice (ask Kurt for a more passionate debate on this one)As a fat westerner i'm used to bigger portions but I reckon I could have fitted all those into my mouth at once.The big question is,did Inson take the big chip?Don't deny her Dave,your own article on Inson rage should be enough to have you cowering.

At 10:17 am, Blogger Kebber said...

I good idea would have been to delicately bump the saucer, just enough to send it off the table and onto the floor, just as the old dude was walking away, adding a nice little , "Oh silly me!" as the chips splatter on the renovated flooring. Then be ever so apologetic when the cunt begrugingly brings out a replacement for you.

At 2:48 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you really think he would replace it?

At 10:53 pm, Blogger Dave Gee said...

I'm sure they would. I remember going to Tokyo DisneyLand and kust before the parade lots of people were finding spots to sit next to the road.Many were taking their food trays from the restaurant. The crowd controllers were strictly stopping them from trying to step over seated people with trays and only use the assigned walkways. One woman completely ignored the protests of the staff and predictably tripped on a sitter and tray with food went everywhere. Not only did she break the rules, ignore the attendant and cause the occurrence that the rules were specifically made to avoid, but she expected to get a full replacement tray. And she had a whole families worth of food. We looked on agast as the staff not only replaced it but went in an got it too with a big smile. Fortunately there were many people,including us, giving her greasy looks for being such a dumb fuck.
On a scarey sidenote, it was eerie how fast janitors came out of nowhere to clean up the mess and then left just as stealthily. And there wasn't a hint of wettness left before goofy came around the corner with his exagurated movements.

At 10:54 pm, Blogger Dave Gee said...

And no shit for my spelling, it's been a long day.

At 12:26 am, Blogger Kebber said...

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At 12:26 am, Blogger Kebber said...

I wonder, if I were to urinate on the parade road, would they clean it up with a smile and politely ask me what beverage it was that I consumed so they could swiftly reimburse me with another? I think I'd wait until Goofy was in range.

At 2:29 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was just going to ask what "exagurated" means.

At 12:09 am, Blogger Dave Gee said...

That coming from someone who cannot spell his own name!

You want to join a street gang in Berlin called the Blaupunks and a street gang in San Fransisco called the Phyclor Fags.

Have you ever seen Tina Turn'er?
Is Rob Lowe?
What does Kevin Bacon?

On a final note: We live in an environment where we are constantly surrounded by poo. We have grown used to it so it no longer disturbs us.

At 7:45 am, Blogger Shirk said...

Is James Brown?

At 5:01 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

After swallowing a couple of Diazepam pills, is Kevin Spacey?

At 9:30 pm, Blogger Dave Gee said...

Does Chris Tuck'er?
Does Chris Rock?
Christopher Reeves, or at least he did before he kicked the bucket.
Is Myles Bennett Di's son?
Does Tyson Bennett Tail 'er?
Is Sean Young?

At 12:08 am, Blogger Dave Gee said...

OK Lamonde I'll sed you a real email but since you've been in Thailand on a much deserved vacation I have been unaware of your return to OZ. You also have the crappest internet connection when you are not leaching from Dodd so emails have been few. That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it. I forget your birthday every year, as everbody who doesn't subtly remind me with a hammer to the little toe, so don't feel left out. You have been sitting on a beach earning 20% so don't whinge.
Randy got me really badly on Sunday afternoon by calling my cell phone with a moaning spaz voice saying ' Dave!! Help me! oooooh!' My heart rate jumped thinking he was curled up in the foetal position somewhere in Shibuya after a bad night (ring any bells?) but then he said just kidding . He was at home the bastard but he still got me bad! Maybe because I often half expect that call!

At 12:54 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

For the record Laif Garret, The Niggle said the hard drive erasure incident wasnt reeeeeally my fault. Niggle is our Cyber God and does not lie. 270 gig takes time Bro. Throw me a frikkin bone, I need more time to fill the drive.
As for your birthday, first, as Dave said, we all have to be thumped over the head with a hint. Second, I thought you didnt want to be reminded of your advanced state of age. Most girly men dont (.o-)!!!


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