Monday, April 17, 2006

The Real Story.

For anyone who has been visiting Bag-O-Phun (Bags Blog) recently, you will notice that it has recommenced operation for which we should all be grateful. Bag's rapier wit has been sorely missed on the blogosphere. I do however, regretfully, have to give a modicum of shit to kebber for his outrageous comment regarding the need for me to (and I quote) 'shut the fuck up' after a witticism regarding the fact that Bag could with a few small posts, once again surpass his poor effort. It has come to my attention that Kurt is under the illusion that if you post once a month, you have the right to give shit to others who may be a few days tardy. May I remind Kebber, in the form of this Excel chart I put together after collating the data, that his post factor is well below Bag and as far as giving me shit is concerned..well, I'll let the figures speak for themselves. Any who would like to join me in providing a looking-glass to Kurt with which he can glean (the cube) some understanding about the true nature of bloggage and his role in this pursuit, feel free to comment.
Oh and if he tells you to look at his blog any more, just mention the graph. And ask him if he would be interested in a nice big cup of shut-the-fuck-up.
As for The Shirk Zone, it showed so much promise. Only 7 posts though and you would overtake Kurt.


At 6:56 pm, Blogger Shirk said...

Just returned from holiday with some fresh material,will be posting soon...I think!

At 11:06 pm, Blogger Bajor1 said...

I can only guess from the effort that went into Dave's analysis that Kurt was either asked to be Best Man or Kurt beat Dave at a video game.

At 11:35 pm, Blogger Kebber said...

Why do you speak to me this way when you know I will kill you for it? I mean, I don't get it - one moment it's "Good job Kirky, keep up the good work. Good to see people blogging" The next minute it's "Hey everybody, let's all quickly post and leave that prick Keb for dead."

Nonetheless, I have chosen to overlook the matter and forgive you. Please don't be offended by my former abusive comment on your last post - it was merely an automatic, computer-generated response to your negative re-inforcement/reverse psychology blog stimulus dribble. Blogs will be updated in due course and no sooner. Oh, and just a word of caution: statistics are a heavy-duty weapon, the power of which only matched by that of the Deslock Gun. Remember, even the wise avoid the Deslock Gun.

At 2:33 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kebber, you have to notice what you get praised for:

Top ten rudenesses in Japan is good due the the inherent quality of the topic (i.e. the rudeness).

Describing your perfect date hanami outing or why a particular cinema is good 'cause it's cheap, well...

Take notes from Dave: there is a certain topic that has not resurfaced in a long time once it was pointed out as being potentially psychosomatically induced.

(Is that an open door or what? Will you cross it's threshold, O Gree?)

At 2:40 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

AAAAhhhh, blog wars!!!

I'll keep out of this one with my peaceful protest of keeping my computer dusty.

At 1:03 pm, Blogger Dave Gee said...

I will need some time to formulate an appropriate response, but the gauntlet has been thrown down.

At 8:59 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey oh, that was not a direct atack. I am sidding with you, Dave. Don't be so loose with that gauntlet. Unless you were refering to Kebber. In that case, go ahead. I'll be the referee!!

At 11:02 pm, Blogger Kebber said...

Actually I am having root canal treatment tomorrow.

At 12:01 am, Blogger Dave Gee said...

That would be session no. 36 of the current root canal procedure would it not keb?
As for the gauntlet laying on the ground (If I had my camera around I would take a photo of it for my collection) I thought it was a dig at my mystery pain which is NOT psychosomatic because the doctor says so (sticks out tongue)ad is still there lurking on the fringes of my nervous system. I haven't mentioned it recently because I thought you were all bored of it.

At 1:03 am, Blogger Kebber said...

Session no. 43 actually. Nearly halfway there now.

At 3:45 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh but I was referring to the mystery pain. As for not mentionning it, think of it in the sense of the Myst series: a mention at different interval is cool. It leaves us wanting more... maybe.


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