Monday, June 26, 2006

Wedded Bliss

Now that all the wedding bozz is over i can get back to posting. Here is a shot from the Cadwegian wedding. The Pondenz wedding was just yesterday so the happy couple can now breathe massive sigh and move on to the next phase of TLC or 'Total life change'. They are making up for the 6 years of status quo where they didn't even change the orders at Denny's for breakfast. Now everything is upside down or will be. They reckon they gonna quit smokin in Oz. My advice, stay away from Grodville and maybe it will happen.
Lisa won the iPod at the wedding party which of course will be looked after by Dad. Keb won a Psp and Graham won the Vader mask which I promptly used for my dance number. Hopefully some photos will arrive soon. That's what happens when you let me near a free drinks bar. Lots of Japanese girls wondering who the guy breakdancing in a suit with a Darth Vader mask was. Kurt was dying to join but basically I was making up for his rudeness at the Canada wedding. I could not possibly top the balloon muscle effort in front of many La Plante rellos. We 'Stralians were perceived to be a crude and uncivilized lot, well actually just something to talk about over fires for the next few years while sippin' whiskey and knockin back maple pancakes..


At 8:29 am, Blogger Shirk said...

Kurt doing his best to look like me,but falling way short in the fat stakes!Nice pics Dave.


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