Sunday, May 21, 2006

You are all Sinners!

While on the subject of old long haired images, I came upon this one. I would put mine up too but the photo album is behind a huge wall of teetering junk in 'the black hole' meaning the closet where all our kipple goes. You all have one so don't try to deny it. I mean the black hole, not the long haired photo. Although I would like to get one from The Shirk, Nik and Ritchie as well as my own just to stand as a monument with the caption 'Rolly Roady Ray do day'.
I put this up as a penalty to Nigel for being tardy in his repayment of money spent on his behalf. Nige , If I don't get the money soon, the gimp suit photos come out!
I had to crop the image because my head is even ruder than Nigels. I guess I could say I have improved with age. Although thanks to Randy and too much partying my mystery pain has come back to haunt me. That information comes to you on behalf of Chris who so loves to hear about my maladies. I could tell you about the cream and whether it cleared up the 'problem' but I'm sure you don't want to hear about that.;) On the subject of evil, unnecessary photos that we can't help but look at, I have in my possession the images of Jamies cyst being removed but I dont have the diaper shot which Randy has along with images of his own colon from the inside. We can get these if Randy pulls his finger out.(I couldn't resist the pun) . Anyone else who has evil photos please endulge us.


At 12:24 am, Blogger Shirk said...

Long haired Shirk photo coming up

At 11:25 pm, Blogger Dave Gee said...

This is the link, for those who are unable to find their way manually

Be careful, graphic images are present. Viewer discretion is advised.

In response, I have a photo of Jenny Gee at seaworld circa 1978 and I'm not afraid to use it.


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