Monday, February 27, 2006

The Stooly Job

I remember when e-coli was a problem here about 8 years ago and so all kindergarten teachers at public schools had to take a monthly stool test. At that time it was a guy named Daniel. Naturally it became known as the stooly job and many took over the legacy as teachers quit and moved on. Kurt was one of these and so became the stooly for a while, though he denies having to take the test. I should not have pushed the point with him because as karma dictates, what goes around comes around. Remember the piss soaked pizza Kurt.
Well anyway, in the long journey that has become 'What the hell is wrong with me!?' the latest chapter is the stool examination. I read the instructions but couldn't bring myself to sit backwards on the crapper. Inson assures me that this is not the way Japanese perceive the use of the western bog but only a way to retrieve an iota of tan colored paste before it is defiled by the bowl water. The somewhat graphic depiction of shit begs the question; Is the photo real borry or some other material licked of the stick in jest by the photographer after the shot?
Anyway as Kurt would say, nothing stinks like a shit out of water so I very hastily probed the poo and very very carefully replaced the stick in the incredibly narrow opening to the tube. And I have to do it all again tomorrow, to check for zog consistency I guess or because the doctor thinks it's funny to make me do it more than once.
Any suggestions as to what fake material could have been used to make the photo will be noted, pondered upon and duly debated.

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Phreaky coincidences

I’m sure you’ve all experienced them before as I have any number of times. Many may recall my childhood anecdote about the Quest for Yoda. I can go more into that some other time. However I just had a really strange one. Enough to send shivers down my spine.

Last night, as a break from my highly productive music period (due to abstaining from any and all computer gaming) I decided to kick my feet up and, you guessed it, play a game. The choice of game is still cause for more than a little concern as it was ‘Civilization IV’, not the kind of game you casually play for a few minutes before bed. Most people who get into this one talk of sleepless nights and sleepy days.

Anyway, I decided to give it a try, to see if it lived up to it’s reputation as a swallower of lives and after running a brief tutorial, began to form my own civilization. I chose the Japanese civilization as my starting culture (predictably) and away I went. After a number of hours I could feel myself being pulled inexorably into the world I had created. I built several cities including Kyoto, Tokyo and Edo and chose a war-like culture designed to conquer others.

My first victim was Gandhi, the poor soul with a peace-loving society to the north. He wanted to befriend me which I initially did to woo him into a false sense of security before I blew him away. When I built up a large force of invincible archers I proceeded to declare war and began my campaign against the bald prick. My first phase was to surround one of his smaller cities close to my border, shower him with arrows and mop up the mess with my ground infantry. I noticed a few archers in his city but thought they would be dispatched with relative ease by my far superior bowmen who outnumbered them 5 to 1 anyway. After all, Gandhi had invested all his research in spiritual pursuits not expecting a scrap with the Pondenzas down south.

So my archers moved in ,poised to begin their volley, my footmen hunkered down for their glorious charge and…. You’re probably wondering at this point where the phreaky coincidence comes in. Give it a moment, it’s coming…..So my lieutenant drops his hand and the assault begins. My archers move into range and….. are picked off to a man by the superior skill and range of Gandhi’s longbow men, poised atop the parapets of the city. Not a one of my men scores a hit.

In desperation my foot move in ….and are predictably mown down by the same longbows. ‘Curses’ I say, ‘The pox on yonder infernal technology’. How dare Gandhi, the devious little tree hugger, have the foresight to research that one morsel of useful weaponry while I the warmonger , whose vision was clouded by lust for power, just kept spitting lowly archers and shit-kicker foot en masse from my ignoble barracks.

Now Gandhi was pissed. He wanted my blood and his small but effective nappy wearing force began a campaign that was to rend my empire asunder.

I went to bed cursing long bows.

So now we get to the coincidence. It’s Sunday, I get up after a rude awakening by Mum on the phone. How dare she ring before 12! Pin seems lively and active after a few days of the flu, and I sit in front of the TV to eat lunch, the back of my mind still pondering the previous night’s tactical flubbery. I’m only half paying attention to the TV when I turn over to discovery channel and theres a doco on which is part of a series entitled ‘Worlds best….’ Usually the top ten tanks, or helicopters, or motorbikes. Today it’s the top ten weapons of all time and they’re onto no. 6; the Tommy-gun. They finish up and move on to number 5 and what does the announcer say. I’m sure you’ve guessed it already, ‘The number 5 all-time best weapon was the scourge of the French and went on to allow the domination of Western Europe by the British. It’s the English Long-bow’.

At least it wasn’t Indian. Next time Gandhi, next time.

Friday, February 24, 2006

The 4 horsemen of the apocalypse

Another photo of rudeness. Jamie takes the cake here. He may ever have surpassed Dodd in the earlier post and be ready to challenge Randies christmas hed, the undisputed champion unless Dodd can find the infamous 'wedding hed' among his photos.
Don't pay the ferryman, he charges too much anyway.
Today I was teaching a group lesson about world consumption and told the students, off the top of my head, that the average American comsumes 50 times the average Indian. I remember some sort of statistic like that from somewhere but didn't think anyone would care if it was slightly inaccurate. However it turned out it was the exact lesson I was teaching in the textbook that refered to this point and I must have taught it some time in the past. Unfortunately the number was only 30 times. When the students found my glaring exaggeration they pretended not to notice but I know that they now know what most of my friends know that I speak bullshit when I don't know the real answer. Beware.
The first step to wisdom is admitting you are a fool. (Narrator; Monkey)

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Guitar classics

Here's a CD you won't find in JB HiFi except maybe as separators for the sections aka Joey Peroni. Found this one in the CD shop of the Mind.

Coating the Flange

I was trawling the web for ideas and I came across this image with the above title. I thought this would make a great album cover and title. If you can come up with some better ones let me know. I like 'Smell the Glove' but it's already taken and will also be the name of my glove photo project.

Friday, February 17, 2006

While going through a photo album

I happened upon this image. No, not the usual Opal men pose but a full on Joker-hed-fest. But take a closer look at Dodd head for the real surprise. Apart from its utter rudeness, it is a bona-fide Dodd Joker, a rarely seen visage. I think the all time rudest Dodd head is in his wedding photos. He is in the wedding rolls royce and is pulling a take-a-dump hed. Dodd, if you can find, scan and post this I will be eternally grateful. It was truly the rudest.
Unfortunately I couldn't find any Real Lamonde heds as in the Shirk Zone, but I will get the Homeless Lamonde sleeping hed next time I go around to mums which will be in about er.. 2 years.
Sad to see a lack of Gees making their way across the Pacific to witness the creation of Sarah La Plante but hey I didn't really expect much from my family. After all I am the only person I know who hasn't had a parent visit Pondenz other than Splash (A possible new name morph for Sarah after 15 years in stasis). At least the Japan Gees will be holding up our side of the church. Pin doing the flower girl thing, if I get around to sending the measurements to Madame La Plonke.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Valentines Day Haul

Well, this was the best Valentine's day yet in terms of chocolate acquired. I must be getting sexier in my old age, kind of like Sean Connery. Too bad I'm not really a chocolate phreak. I'm sure Pin and Inson will aid in consumption. Presumably Inson is aware of that and buys chocolate accordingly. As you may or may not know, in Pondenz guys receive choc on Valentines and exactly one month later , on White day (invented 30 years ago by Mitsukoshi Department store) must reciprocate in the order of 3 to 5 times value. Of course as most of my choc comes from students or Moms of kid students, as I am Sensei, it is not necessary for me to pay off this debt. Basically I work it off in class time. It's quite nice when 4 year olds hand you chocolate and in typical kiddy lack of subtlety fashion say this is from me, but really from mummy,and then to look up at the rather firm and fruity mum who's gone red in the face. It is then possible to consider that the mother has more motivation in bringing the child to class than just academic improvement.
My haul doesn't even include the local Nakano students who are customarily the most generous, because I haven't been there yet so the stash may grow considerably yet. It beats the high school days of being one of the losers who didn't get a card from a girl, or worse still going to a school without girls altogether. I truly was a late bloomer.
30 years late.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006


Ok, can you name these games? Some are for Amiga and some are for C64. Some are easy, some aren't and not all were popular with everyone.If you can get these quickly I'll put up some more obscure ones.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Brunswich street Graffiti

These were some of my faves. If you can think of any others please post.

Eat more children
Ethnic baked beans
Sabath, maiden, halen, phong
Donna Martin graduate
The waitress is not part of the meal
Tell a Macedonian he's Greek will bring Joy
Salami on Rae

Several interesting quotes:
We are eating at partners, come over.
Do not use this tap, it leaks
Coppins clean skin chardonnay
Ah, no more!
You either cut it out...or glue it in
Pink-orish boyce
Bless you my skid
Puppy did a shit.
puppy did a shit.
puppy did a,
puppy did a,
long stringy shit.
David, your a Detroit, Dudson, Font-a-pen.
And you hang out with Ken Hands.

Friday, February 03, 2006


Do NOT play UFO catcher unless you are a trained professional. Failure to follow safety instructions could result in injury to coin purse. I may have to give up this insidious habit. Generally I am good at them and I respect machines that require skill but ones that are blatantly impossible (like those at 'Amuse' in Akabane) are basically thieves and should be treatred as such. The one I tried today was too weak to pick up a credit card sized plastic picture.
You have been warned.