Monday, January 30, 2006

A land of contrast

I know, it's a cliche but sometimes it's really true. This picture is a not uncommon sight around Tokyo. Very small ladies who are old enough to remember Koobla Khan (spelling!) and toting huge cases on their backs. I'm not sure what's in them, possibly their husbands, but I saw this one go down a flight of stairs into a subway. I couldn't do that and I'm a (reasonably) young big guy who does weight training. In contrast, you'r average Tokyo young 'office lady' can barely keep her Channel bag on her arm, and would scream if confronted with any form of insect. What has hapened in the interveneing years between the first and second woman? Maybe when the Americans occupied Japan they confiscated all steroids from the locals. Anyway...I want whatever this hypergranny eats, although I know what it is; rice and miso. Not a hint of protein. How!! When I swig protien shakes like they're going out of business and can't gain a pound! Oh well.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Poor performance.

After Kebbers scathing remarks in Bags blog, I thought I should include him here as he should be, quiet and docile. Tell me Mr Jessen, how are you going to complain if you can't speak?
Also included is a picture of Takeshi the alien. He beamed down to Saitama many years ago. Rumor has it he pair bonded with a female human and possibly spawned little grey men.
Italian chair designers are so uncompromising these days. (That one) looks like a giant sandwich. A mis-quote byLamonde, no doubt Bag will correct it.

Monday, January 23, 2006

David Gee, Seeeuper genius

Today I took a Mensa test sent to me by Chris. (usually I would expect Dodd to send this kind of thing to me.) Now when someone sends me an IQ test link I am kind of wary because it means they have probably just done it and scored well and are waiting with baited breath for me to finish so they can compare their superior score. As it turns out this wasn't the case but I didn't know this at the time so with hesitation began the test.
The test is more communicative than spacial or mathematical which suits me fine. According to the explanation 19+ out of 33 is genius level, and only 2 Mensas (Certified genius IQ types) got all of them. I would have been happy with a comfortable 16 or so. After flying through I realized 19 was a shoe-in and continued. I got all the way to 32 correct thinking 'My god , I truly am a genius. I knew it was true. All my rudeness is, as I have suspected just the by-product of a mind ahead of it's time.' After struggling for another half hour I finally got the last question and proceeded with great zeal to inform family members of my intelligence was officially in the top 3 in the world! Dialing the number excitedly I then morphed into cool, laid-back, just passing unimportant information mode only to be informed by Spish that Nigel got all 33 correct while doing something else. He wasn't even paying any real attention to it. Obviously that put him above me but I wasn't concerned, more amazed. The second most intelligent person on the planet, through sheer coincidence, is friends with the most intelligent. What are the odds!! We need to get together and make stuff happen. Only problem is my sneaking suspicion that Nigel doesn't have a godlike IQ. He'd be pushing it for Minor deity intelligence really. And sadly I still leave the house with my clothes tag the front. I even managed to put brick patterned wallpaper up up-side down. The shadows were coming from a sun in the floor. So my conclusion...Mensa members are as intelligent as pocket lint, a substance of questionable cognitive acumen. The whole organization is designed to cunningly make us normal people feel special...and it worked on me.. for a while.
Oh well, back to the crosswords. Whats a 4 letter word for stench beginning with F?
One of my faves!

The most intelligent person on the planet, if only he can find his wallet....again!!

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Sickness is a sickness

The Pin is sick again as is Pin's mum. They are both sleeping after voshing. I still have my side pain, due to a combination of going back to gym and carrying child with one arm and shopping with other. Multitasking and muscle strain don't mix. I have decided to seriously stop gym for a while but gym is an addiction that is hard to quit. Sometimes you think you've quit and suddenly your doing bench press and realize you've fallen off the horse. I heard it's possible to buy foam rubber dumbells to help you quit. They act as a substitute until you're ready to stop altogether. I'm really waiting for the patches that give you a dose of gym without the terrible positive side effects of health. No more lyrca wedge to look at for a while.
A puzzling thought. Do you think Jamie Knight aerobics champion wore lycra wedge, legwarmers and a terry headband when he practiced? I know he liked curiously small shorts. Perpetual introspective! The Groove experience! Trip it out!
Still no snow!
The problem with me and my new webcam is that even after the novelty has worn out, I still have to make rude headz when I use it. Goes to show that I truly am easily amused. You could lock me in a room with a computer, internet connection, box of mars bars, crate of pepsi and 2 buckets for up to 6 days and I would be fine...until the buckets filled up.
Almost finished reading the Gap series by Stephen Donaldson. Very good series that's taken me a while to get to. Will move on to Baroque cycle #2 when finished and be just another of the many know-it-alls touting a vast knowledge of 18th century Europe. It's a common ailment after reading these. They involve an area of history little studied amoung my generation and extensively researched (to his credit) by Neal Stephenson and so cause an irresistable urge to proclaim 'Did you know that (insert interesting but little known historical anecdote)?' to one's friends. I will attempt to avoid such vulgar behaviour this time around.

Who or what are the following things:

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Gree General Quiz
Here is a quiz related to general Greedom. Answer the following questions if you dare:
1. How did Gree deal with catshit laid on the toilet floor?
2. What item did Gree used to swoop Spishes head with as a child to make her cry?
3. What did Chooly (the dog) eat?
4. How did Gree warp the Chooly story?
5. List at least 3 misquotes by Gree.
6. What is the general term used to explain the action of pissing in the sink because the toilet is too far and it's cold?
7. Show the steps that went into arriving at the name Dodd.
8. Do same for Spish
9. What was smeared into Grees hair on Christmas day by drunkards that made him want to vosh?
10. Name 1 party where Gree was Vosh King
11. What color was Grees saddest pair of jocks?
12. What did Dad put his hand in that made him very angry and where?
13. Name 5 cats associated with Gree over the years.
14. Who lived at 6 Selby Street Mount Waverly?
15. Who always complained that the screen was buckled?
16. How many seconds in a year?(without calculating)
17. What did Gree have on his backpatch?
18. Name all of Grees cars.
19. What movie caused Gree the most mental anguish?
20. What is the only movie that Gree has walked out on and why?

If you can score more than 15 points then you must really know Gree. God help you.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Heads Up
Check out Bag's blog (Bag-O-Phun, link on the right) for some cool old pix. See if you can answer the quiz without looking at my answer.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

New Quotes Quiz
Not all the following quotes are from movies. An attempt to broaden the game.

1. He's down there somewhere. ___________ ___________.
2. A tricky bit of floor that, deceptively _______ and ___________.
3. I guess she don't like the ______ ______ either.
4. That's a real ________ __________ you got there.
5. It was the Warriors that killed ____________!
6. Fish! Today's fish is __________ _ _ ______. Enjoy your meal.
7. If you're a Taurus, see your __________.
8. Do you believe any of this _________ bullshit Blaire?
9. Don't look at me, _________ _________.
10. Don't tell me what's important. I've got ___________.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

I should apply for a job at The Gap in their Image\Marketing department. I went there on Monday (a public holiday) to do the usual new year clothes shopping. Before entering I made a mental note to self that I betted I would hear the new Madonna song played while there. Not because it was by Madonna , the Queen of Mainstream in the Mecca of Mainstream fashion, but because the song in question is exactly the kind of 'western' song that gap plays endlessly through their systems in an attempt at pseudo-cool. They try desparately not to be mainstream in the way that Ikea does for furniture in the hopes of catching the plebean clientele that think they are otherwise. I'm not sure in The States but presumably here it's to emphasize the 'westerness' of the store. I actually quite like the song, ripping off Abba's 70's disco tune Gime Gime Gime but quite effectively and the production on the track is awesome, but to hear it at The Gap not once but 3 times was so tiredly predictable. I'm sure it's very carefully chosen as are all aspects of The Gap store experience. They've become bloody expensive recently too except for their really cheap New Year's sales. Hence my purchase of new work dax, much to Inson's delight.
Back at work Ho Humm. Scarey thing is it doesn't bother me this year. Maybe because I haven't started the morning classes yet.
And here we have a picture of Bag at a recent Halloween party dressed as Tron from the movie. You must explain how you made this costume Bag, it's rather cool.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Bones super cones
To clear up a point, here are the Bone's official super cones. These are in fact a reconstruction of an artists rendition from the red book. These were what Bone called the ideal cones. They are what occupied much of his mind in Year 11 accounting class.
The more I look at that picture of the Glen Pattison sports coach dude, the more I think it's him. It bears a striking resemblance to him with 15 years added and given the name and his penchant for sports, (following not playing) my suspicion increases. The hard part to believe is that this guy is one of Australias TOP coaches and demands $5000 a seminar. How our Bones could become this guy is somewhat of a metamorphosis although if you told me Bones would become a master hypnotist I would refer you to the red book; Quote 'mesmerize people with his fast talk and argue' with a picture of a guy with spirals for eyes as if being hypnotised. Prophetic? Hmm. Bag will let us know just as soon as he walks across the common behind his house and raps on the fateful door.
I wonder if he still drives a Cortina. He always said, if he could choose any car in the world, that would be it.

Friday, January 06, 2006

This is not me!
Although I did once want to be a police officer.
It was a real brass monkey day today although still no bloody snow! The gods have not been smiling on me this winter. The rest of the country is covered except the small corner with Tokyo in it. It sucks. If your gonna have such bad weather, at least give us the amusement of snow!
Anyway, not going to prattle on about it. My injury appeared to have gone away until I went to gym today for the first time in a month and it came back, though not so bad. It must be muscular but I am prepared to put up with a certain amount of pain in the pursuit of buff. Second day back at work. Not so busy because of no morning classes and fewer than usual students but the spawn I teach were acting up. They're still on holidays so haven't got freedom out of their systems yet.

And here is a self portrait done with head scale carefully callibrated to show you how big my head is and why gym is necessary to 'even out' my body with my head and butt. Since I have been missing gym I have noticed my muscles starting to deflate. It sucks that what is so hard to make, is so easy to lose.

Well done everyone on the last batch of quotes. I discovered that it is too easy if I give the movie name and google rights so this next batch will be without movie name. You can still google but obnly after everyone has had one attempt from memory only. This next lot will be more obscure and without names. Still may be easy for anyone who has been anywhere near me in the last 15 years for more than 5 minutes. Although people who fit the above criteria and actually listen to my drivel may be rarer. And this time I won't put the answers in, you'll have to check the comments so everyone can have a try.
Anyway, off we go.

1. Chief of the watch, ________ _____ ________!
2. We were using level 5 _________ ________ when we should have been using level 7.
3. No you're fucked,confined to the ___________!
4. More than __________!
5. Lighten up Pops before your _________ ___________.
6. It's people like you what causes __________.
7. Why build one when you can build two at __________ ________ __________.
8. Which ones yours? It's the one that says bad __________ __________.
9. You're a real vulgarian aren't you. Your'e the vulgarian, you ____________!
10. The only way outa here's through that valley, but I wouldn't trust that on a __________ _________ ________.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Ok, some quotes here. Your task is to complete as many as you can. Some are easy, some are difficult, even for people who associate with me. One constant is they are all Dave quotes.

1. Now this is really bad for my asthma.
2. Red Alert! Negative control at _____________.
3. They put creatures in our bodies!
4. ...there's serious metal fatigue in all the load bearing members.
5. Now that is a big door!
6. Ayis Kuchoom Ka Wa Wookie.
7. Sheestimfinsta.Shoot the glass!
8. Gods, what a monster!
9. I ask you to kill superman, and you can't even do that one simple thing.
10. I can't wait to get off this damn _________________.
11. I was wonderin' when el capitan was gonna get a chance to use his pop gun.
12. This facility has a substantial dollar value.
13. God, is that Ivana Trump. What are you thinking Patrick, what would Ivana be doing in ______________ _____________. American Psycho
14. Down Down Down. The _________ ________'s going down. The cable guy
15. It went bad so I had to ______ ___ ____ ___ ____ ________. Evil dead 3

That's just for starters. If some of these quotes are not 100%, I apologize.

Memoirs of a little Geisha, with Fat headed Dad.
Ok, this is my first post in a while, a piss poor effort but nothing like lots of free time to make it impossible to find the time to do stuff. I swear the only time I don't go to the gym regularly , apart from when suffering mystery ailments, is when I have plenty of time to do so without rushing. When I am busy and in a rush I can always manage to squeeze it in.
On another matter, I used to think about how cool it would be to be transported back into high school in my current mature personage. How conscientious I would be studying! How cool I would be around my peers. eh..well, I don't study enough Japanese now. I don't study enough of anything I should be studying. Lets face it, I am as rude as I was in high school so would sadly, not be the cool kid. The 8 year olds I teach think I'm an embarrassment! Although there are about 5 things I should be doing in my free time towards bettering myself and my employability each night after pondering which one I should do ie. prioritizing, then feeling dismay that I don't have nearly enough time to do them and can't decide which to at least attempt,.... I give up in frustration and decide to play a computer game , leaving it to the proverbial next night. Oh well, another genius with the potential to rule the world falls prey to his own intellect and lack of focus due to the perceived banality of it all in relation to his own higher state of consciousness. While some dim wit whose only saving grace is the ability to focus his or her tiny brain on one simple task at a time plods along and eventually through sheer length of study does end up creating the first teleporter or antigravity device. Or ends up running a top multinational simply because they are not inspired to greater things and keep their noses down in the textbook at hand. Oh well, that was my New Years gripe. So now I have to persevere, only problem is again which way to go. Music, IT,Graphix,Game development,Business Japanese,Writing, Weight Training, Blogging.....he then reaches over for his copy of Unreal Tournament and prepares for a few hours of blissful emptiness inside a game, free of the pressures of advancement.