A land of contrast

I know, it's a cliche but sometimes it's really true. This picture is a not uncommon sight around Tokyo. Very small ladies who are old enough to remember Koobla Khan (spelling!) and toting huge cases on their backs. I'm not sure what's in them, possibly their husbands, but I saw this one go down a flight of stairs into a subway. I couldn't do that and I'm a (reasonably) young big guy who does weight training. In contrast, you'r average Tokyo young 'office lady' can barely keep her Channel bag on her arm, and would scream if confronted with any form of insect. What has hapened in the interveneing years between the first and second woman? Maybe when the Americans occupied Japan they confiscated all steroids from the locals. Anyway...I want whatever this hypergranny eats, although I know what it is; rice and miso. Not a hint of protein. How!! When I swig protien shakes like they're going out of business and can't gain a pound! Oh well.